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Once back in the dining room Elina left Feyre's side, giving the girl one last smile before sitting down beside Lucien, the Autumn Court male exhaled quietly, reaching out and taking Elina's hand in his own and squeezing it tightly. The girl ran her thumb atop Lucien's, meeting his one russet eye and other golden.

"Everything was fine, Luc, she's just scared," Elina said quietly enough that Feyre wouldn't pick it up, Lucien shook his head, leaning in and placing a kiss atop Elina's head.

"She killed Andras, Lina," He said, before turning away and picking up the bottle of sparkling faerie wine and filling Elina's goblet for her, nodding to the food, "Eat," He prompted, and Elina simply sighed, reaching out and spooning a dollop of rich buttery mash onto her plate.

"Before you ask again, the food is safe for you to eat," Tamlin called to Feyre who remained in the entry way, her posture tense and sharp. "What do you want, then?" He huffed.

"I told you so, Tamlin," Lucien snickered, "Your skills with females have definitely become rusty in recent decades." Tamlin glowered at his friend making Elina giggle quietly as she scooped some fresh vegetables onto her plate before smothering them with thick peppery sauce. "Well, you don't look half as bad now. Arelief, I suppose, since you're to live with us. Though the tunic isn't as pretty as a dress,"

"Was that supposed to be a compliment?" Elina asked with a raised brow to her friend, taking a sip of her wine.

"I prefer not to wear dresses," Feyre said simply, eyes sharp.

"And why not?" Lucien crooned.

"Because killing us is easier in pants," Tamlin answered before Feyre could.

"And not to mention the dress was good awful," Elina commented with a shrug of her shoulders, Tamlin shot her a glare that made the pink haired girl sink back into her seat, scooping up some mash from her plate and taking a bite.

"Now that I'm here, what... what do youplan to do with me?" Feyre asked the High Fae.

"Just sit down," Tamlin snapped in annoyance at the mortal girl, Elina sighed, shaking her head and taking another bite of her food. Tamlin and Lucien were useless, too sharp with the mortal girl, still flaming with the anger of the curse that had lead them to this moment, hurt by the death of their friend and it rendered Feyre the unfortunate victim of their rage in which Elina could do little to quell.

"We're not going to bite," Lucien said with a wicked grin, all teeth and taunt.

"Please, Feyre, at least sit and eat," Elina pleaded, "You look half dead on your feet," The mortal finally relented, sitting down, glancing between the three fae with varying levels of discomfort. The rest of the dinner was uncomfortable to say the least, with Tamlin's terrible attempts at flattery towards Feyre, the continual details of Andras unfortunate demise at the hands of the pretty mortal, discussions of Feyre's family back home and the man she was once close with. By the time Feyre had excused herself Elina brushed her fingers over her eyelids, exhausted.

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘂𝗻, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗻, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀; acotarWhere stories live. Discover now