Are there boys also in our school?

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Suddenly, the door opened and a handsome boy with blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes popped his head into our compartment. I was surprised to see a boy on our train car. I thought this train was only for our school.

"No space for us?" he asked, looking around.

"Hey Fraser," Laura said with a flirty smile on her face.

"Hey Laura," Fraser said, smiling, and I swear, his smile made me forget about everything else for a moment. Wow, he was cute!

I tried not to stare too much, but it was hard not to. I mean, I'd never seen a guy that good-looking before. But I didn't want to seem like a total dork, so I just smiled and looked out the window, pretending to be super interested in the scenery.

I wondered what Fraser was doing on our train, though. Maybe there was another school nearby that shared the train with us? Or maybe he was just lost? Either way, I couldn't help but feel a little giddy at the thought of possibly seeing him around school. I mean, not that I was interested or anything. Okay, maybe a little. But who could blame me? He was seriously dreamy.

"This is why you should get into the train earlier Fraser," Natali said coyly, looking at the handsome boy from under her lashes.

"Yeah, you are right. I should have listened to your advice," Fraser said, smiling. He seemed like a really friendly guy.

Suddenly, his beautiful blue eyes looked at me and I felt my cheeks burning with shyness.

"Hello new girls. Welcome to SCA," he said, smiling. We three said hello to him, feeling a little tongue-tied, like this was the first time we'd ever talked to a boy.

He went out, closing the door behind him.

"Wait, are they also in our school?" I suddenly asked.

"Yes, that's why they are in this train car," Rose said with an angry tone.

I regretted asking my question out loud.

"What? I thought this was an all-girls school," I said, shocked looking at Rebecca and Georgia.

I didn't want to go to a school with boys. They can be so annoying sometimes, and I'm just not used to being around them.

"Who told you that lie?" Laura asked, laughing with her friends.

"My aunt. She said she used to teach here," I replied, trying to hide my discomfort.

"Oh, the teachers at our school are the worst," Natali said, and I wasn't quite sure what she meant by that.

"Aunt Matilda isn't that great either," I said, curling my lip.

"Well, that explains it," Laura said, looking at me as if she were staring at something disgusting.

"She's not my real aunt," I said.

"No one asked you anything. Just don't talk to us," Laura said, giving me a rude side-eye, and the other two also looked at me in the same way. I looked at the new girls helplessly, my confidence dropping to zero because of the rudeness of these old girls. The new girls gave me sympathetic looks.

Great. Now I have to deal with boys too? I looked out the window, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment towards Aunt Matilda and my parents for not telling me the whole truth about this school.

I mean, it's not that I hate boys or anything. It's just that I've always gone to all-girls schools, so I'm not really used to being around them in a classroom setting. And now, on top of all the other changes and challenges of starting at a new school, I have to navigate that too?

I sighed, resting my head against the window. I guess I'll just have to take things one step at a time and try to keep an open mind. Who knows, maybe having boys around won't be so bad after all. And hey, at least there's one really cute one, right?

As the train chugged along, I found myself getting lost in the breathtaking scenery outside my window. The countryside was absolutely stunning, with rolling hills, lush green forests, and wide-open fields stretching out as far as the eye could see.

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