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After the tense confrontation with Noah's bully crew, Addison and Fraser gathered us new kids together.

"Before you get settled, we need to assign you all to your houses," Addison explained. "At Silverstone, we have four houses - South, North, East and West. We'll spin this to determine your placement."

She held up an ornate compass rose on a chain. As she gave it a whirl, the different house directions spun rapidly. Addison nodded at me. "Give it a stop with your finger, Crystal."

I reached out and stopped the spinning compass rose. It landed in West.

"You'll be in West House," Addison stated simply.

She spun again for the others. Rebecca landed on East House. Georgia in North House. The two girls glanced at each other briefly.

When it was the boys' turn, Justin got South, Alex joined me in West, and Liam was placed with Georgia in North.

After finalizing our house placements this way, Addison and Fraser led us to a huge room stocked with neatly hung uniforms and shelves of textbooks and supplies.

"So do we have to separate because we belong to different houses?" I asked Addison sadly, not wanting to be alone.

"No, you all are in grade 12 so you'll all be in the grade 12 dormitory. Houses are just for sporting events," Addison explained. "There will be a sports meet every year where the houses compete against each other."

After we came out from the uniform room, Addison took us girls to the right side of the castle, while Fraser led the boys off to the left for their dormitory.

"So what houses are you and Fraser in?" Georgia asked curiously as we walked.

"I'm in East House, while Fraser is in South," Addison replied. "The student houses apply to prefects and staff as well."

"What house is Noah and his friends in?" Rebecca asked Addison curiously.

"Noah and his crew are in South House," Addison replied evenly.

I felt relieved knowing we'd all be rooming together despite the house separations. This gave me hope that I could remain close with Rebecca and Georgia.

As we made our way through the ancient castle corridors, I couldn't help but gaze around in awe at the medieval architecture and decor. Silverstone was already exceeding my expectations in its majesty.

As we continued deeper into the castle's ancient corridors, the ambient light gradually faded. Our path was illuminated only by the soft glow of aged lanterns mounted on the stone walls, casting flickering shadows that danced eerily.

Up ahead, a spiral staircase loomed before us, the steps seeming to wind endlessly upwards into darkness. This was the way to the dorms, Addison instructed, her voice hushed as if respecting the castle's solemn atmosphere.

We ascended the tight, circular stairs cautiously. The higher we climbed, the more the temperature seemed to drop. I shivered, pulling my sweater tighter.

Finally, we reached the dormitory level. It too was cloaked in a perpetual gloomy haze. Addison led us down a vaulted hallway, our footsteps echoing hollowly.

Arched windows periodically broke up the stone walls. Peering out one, I gasped at the dizzying drop to the ground below, where an ominous lake writhed and sloshed like an angry sea. In the distance, an endless expanse of shadowy woods seemed to stretch towards an unseen horizon, appearing equally uninviting.

A chill ran down my spine taking in these foreboding surroundings from our perch several stories up. This place felt haunted by its own antiquity.

The grade 12 dormitory was divided into four separate chambers, each accommodating three students. Addison opened a heavy wooden door, and we followed her inside.

Three antique four-poster beds stood inside, their curtains and coverlets appearing untouched for decades yet meticulously maintained. Basic wooden dressers and desks completed the furnishings in line with the room's medieval decor.

"You three will be rooming together," Addison told us, the dim lighting casting dramatic shadows across her features. "Get settled, and I'll come collect you for dinner in the great hall later..."

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