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Georgia, Rebecca and I came out of the principal's office along with Addison and Fraser, the prefects assigned to show us around. My mind was still reeling from the long lecture, though I couldn't help stealing glances at Fraser. He was really cute.

"Alright newbies, follow me," Addison said, motioning us along. "Time to get your uniforms and books, then I'll show you to your dorms."

Addison led us down a maze of corridors. Ornate archways framed windows looking out onto immaculately manicured gardens and grounds overflowing with vibrant flowers and plants.

Every turn revealed more stately architecture - ornate carved statues, bubbling fountains, corridors lined with vintage light fixtures giving off a warm glow.

As we walked further, I caught glimpses of other students. Some excitedly reunite with friends after being apart. Others sitting alone, noses buried in books. The teachers we passed appeared stern or friendly, some dressed trendily while others looked more conservative. Just a normal variety of faculty and students.

The whole school seemed impressively grand. I exchanged looks of amazement with Georgia and Rebecca, wondering what other sights this castle boarding school had in store. I couldn't help sneak another look at the cute prefect Fraser as we followed behind Addison.

As we walked down the corridors, Addison introduced the three boys with Fraser - Justin, Alex, and Liam. Justin was tall with shaggy blonde hair, Alex was stocky with a friendly smile, and Liam had an athletic build with chiseled features.

The boys immediately struck up a conversation with us girls about how magnificent the school looked.

"Can you believe this incredible place?" Justin said in awe, glancing around at the grand architecture.

"It's literally like a castle from a fairy tale," Liam agreed, admiring the arched windows and stone corridors.

As we turned a corner, I noticed a group of arrogant-looking boys up ahead, roughly shoving and taunting another student who looked deeply distressed. The ringleader appeared to be a tall, broad-shouldered boy with jet black hair styled in an artfully messy way.

As we turned a corner, I noticed a group of arrogant-looking boys up ahead, roughly shoving and taunting another student who looked deeply distressed. The ringleader appeared to be a tall, broad-shouldered boy with jet black hair styled in an artfully messy way.

I watched as the leader's muscular arm extended, giving the smaller boy a forceful shove that sent him stumbling back a few steps. His cronies exploded into laughter, the sound carrying an ugly malice that made my stomach knot.

Then, without warning, the ringleader's head whipped around in my direction. Despite his striking features and chiseled jawline that could have belonged to a male model, his intense blue eyes locked onto mine from across the corridor with a piercing cruelty. His gaze felt like it could freeze me in place, filled with unsettling indifference and disdain that gave me chills. I quickly averted my eyes, unnerved by that icy stare and the ugly sneer marring what could have been a very handsome face as he relentlessly mocked his victim. An uncomfortable shudder ran through me imagining having to deal with someone so callous and intimidating, no matter how outwardly attractive.

As the cruel laughter continued, Fraser stepped forward, trying to intervene.

"Hey! Knock it off Noah. Leave the kid alone," Fraser called out firmly to the dark-haired ringleader.

The bully turned his icy glare onto Fraser, sneering. "Stay out of this, Pretty Boy. It's none of your business."

One of his friends, a stocky guy, chimed in. "Yeah, mind your own business. This doesn't involve you."

Addison moved up beside Fraser. "As prefects, it absolutely is our business to stop bullying on school grounds."

The ringleader looked at them dismissively. "Yeah, like I care what prefects think. Back off, or you'll regret getting involved."

The tension thickened as the two groups faced off. I felt admiration for Fraser and Addison standing united against the bullies, but also anxiety wondering if this would escalate into a fight.

A male teacher happened to be walking by and noticed the confrontation brewing between the groups.

"What's going on here?" the teacher demanded in a stern voice as he approached.

The ringleader's cocky demeanor seemed to falter slightly as the authority figure arrived on the scene. "Nothing, sir. Just a misunderstanding," he muttered.

Fraser stepped forward. "This student was being bullied by Noah and his friends, sir. We were trying to intervene."

The teacher turned his gaze to the victim, who was still looking shaken. "Is this true? Were you being bullied?"

The younger student nodded meekly. "Y-yes, sir."

Turning back to Noah with a hard look, the teacher said "Bullying is unacceptable at this school, Mr. Salazar. You and your friends will report to the principal's office immediately."

Noah opened his mouth, perhaps to argue, but seemed to think better of it. With one last glare at Fraser and Addison, he and his cronies skulked away.

The teacher addressed the rest of us. "Thank you for trying to stop this incident. But next time, come directly to a faculty member." With that, he turned and followed after the bullies.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. Though the confrontation was over, I felt shaken by getting my first glimpse into the school's harsh social dynamics.

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