train ride

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At one point, the train rounded a bend and I caught my first glimpse of a massive lake, its crystal-clear waters sparkling in the sunlight. It was so beautiful, it almost didn't seem real. I pressed my nose against the window, taking in every detail.

The shoreline was dotted with towering pine trees, their branches swaying gently in the breeze. In the distance, I could see a family of ducks swimming along the surface, leaving tiny ripples in their wake.

As we continued on, the lake disappeared from view, only to be replaced by even more incredible natural wonders. We passed by a field of wildflowers, their vibrant colors creating a sea of purple, yellow, and pink. I even spotted a few rabbits hopping among the blooms, their fluffy tails bouncing as they moved.

The train wound its way through a dense forest, the trees so tall they seemed to touch the sky. The sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. It was like something out of a fairytale.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the incredible beauty of the natural world. It was a stark contrast to the bustling city life I was used to, and I found myself feeling grateful for the opportunity to experience it, even if it was just from the window of a train.

As I sat there, taking it all in, I felt some of my earlier anger and frustration start to melt away. Yes, this new school was going to be a challenge, and yes, I was still annoyed at Aunt Matilda for not being fully honest with me. But in that moment, surrounded by such incredible natural beauty, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and possibility for what lay ahead.

After a long train ride that lasted for hours, we finally arrived at the platform for the school. I was glad to see that the school had its own platform. All the girls and boys rushed to get out of the train, shouting, laughing, and struggling. The boys were so loud, fast, and messy. A few of them even bumped into me because they didn't care who was around them. They just wanted to jump out of the train quickly, like it was some kind of competition.

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