I'm really hungry

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I checked the time on the huge, circular watch on the wall. It had a white face, and the numbers were black. The time was almost 7 pm. I had heard that dinner would be from 7 pm to 8 pm. I had started feeling hungry since 6 pm because I only ate a little for lunch while on the train.

"I'm really hungry," I said to the others, clutching my stomach dramatically.

"Really? It's almost 7 pm. You can eat soon," Rebeca said.

"Do you think we'll get bullied if we don't wear any makeup?" I asked the others.

"If they want to bully us, they'll find something somehow to bully us about," Rebeca said sadly.

"What's worse? Getting ignored or getting bullied?" Georgia joined our conversation.

"I think both are the worst," Rebeca said.

"But there's something worse than that, I guess," I said, thinking about my old school and my old friends.

"What is it?" both Rebeca and Georgia asked, looking at me curiously.

"Your friends are leaving you when they find new friends," I said, looking at my legs.

"Yeah. I don't call them friends. They are cheaters," Georgia said.

I felt like we all had bad memories in our old schools, but none of us wanted to talk about them directly. Sometimes it's not easy to talk about certain pains. I don't think language has enough words to express all our emotions. So we wish other people could understand us. But can people actually understand others?

"What if we go down already? We have to climb down lots of stairs," Georgia said, taking out a yellow dress from her drawer to wear. It was a warm, mustard-yellow sweater dress with long sleeves and a cozy, knitted texture, perfect for the cold, rainy night. She went behind the folding screen.

I thought Georgia was the most beautiful girl among the three of us. She had a nice shape, beautiful hair, and blue eyes. Rebeca and I were not bad, but I felt like we both were just normal-looking.

After Georgia came out from behind the folding screen, I went to change my clothes. I wore a soft, blue hoodie with a fleece lining and a pair of dark blue jeans. I also pulled on a pair of thick wool socks to keep my feet warm in the chilly weather. We could still hear the rain. It wasn't as heavy as before, and I was glad it wasn't. This was the kind of weather that gave you some crazy daydreams: a little bit of sadness, loneliness, and romance that you had never experienced in real life but hoped to one day. Suddenly, Fraser came to my mind, and I felt a warm feeling inside my heart.

Rebeca came out wearing a red, long-sleeved t-shirt made of a thick, cozy material and black leggings, which matched her perfectly. But I felt like red was too much and would definitely catch unwanted attention.

"Let's go quickly. Let's find out if there's anyone more handsome than Fraser," Georgia said, chuckling, and her joke lightened our dark, lonely atmosphere.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," I said. I kind of liked that there were boys in this school. But I hoped they were good ones.

"I think Liam looks fine too," Rebeca said as we left our room.

"Oh, you like him?" Georgia said, laughing.

"Oh, shut up," Rebeca said shyly, blushing.

"Look at her face, Crystal. She likes him," Georgia said, and we laughed.

"I think I'll lose some weight because of these stairs," Rebeca said while climbing down the dark, stone staircase. The walls and stairs were made of cold, rough stone, and dim lights along the walls provided just enough illumination to see our way down.

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