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A/N: I know my authors notes are usually long and pointless, but read the one at the end to this chapie! It's got an important announcement and some other stuff. Be there or be square!!

There was only a short aisle between Liam and I. He looked so happy, the boys are all by his side. Kenzie, and Alyssa, and even Abby are there too. It's been so long. We promised this to each other so long ago, and now its finally happening. He's smiling at me with a smile only Liam Payne can smile. I laughed and practically ran down the aisle into Liam's arms.

Yes, Liam and I are finally riding the spongebob ride together.

What, expecting something else?

"Hey beautiful," he smiled kissing my cheek.

"Who me?" I teased. He pressed his lips to mine.

Liam pointed up to an escalator, "That's where I promised you I'd ride this ride,"

I smiled, damn, a lot has happened since then. "I've got to admit, I was pretty star-struck," I giggled.

"Mm?" he said, "I couldn't even tell," I rested his forehead against mine.

"You liar," I smiled pressing my lips to his once again.

"Hey, Mae," he said.


"Months ago, I bought you something and promised you I'd love you forever, and I never ever stopped loving you, so I kept that necklace I got you,and I thought you might want it back," he pulled out of his pocket the necklace he have me in Florida. With "Forever" inscribed on one side, and our initials on the other.

My eyes watered up, "Um, yeah," I managed letting out," I gave him a big hug after he clasped the necklace around my neck again.

"Okay, I admit that was adorable, but can we just get on the ride now?" asked Kenzie. Yep my sister is a sassy one. It's July and the boys are back in Minnesota, so Kenzie, Alyssa and I are staying here with them. This time my mom knows that we left. I am all set to graduate next year, and I'm already checking out Universities in London, so Liam can visit me when he's in London. Yes my sister and Niall are still together, and so are Alyssa and Zayn

"Yeah, let's go," I said taking Liam's hand as we walked up to the ride. Luckily, the line wasn't very long, so after waiting a few minutes, we were getting on.

I ran my wristband under the scanner, and the machine made a Spondgebob laughing sound telling me it had registered. Liam sat on the edge, I sat next to him and Kenzie sat next to me with Niall on the other side of her. Louis, Harry, Zayn, Abby, and Alyssa all sat behind us.

The seat restraints latched over us. My stomach lurched as the roller coaster started going straight up.

"You scared?" asked Liam.

"Yeah," I squeaked.

"I'm here," he smiled taking my hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

We reached the top, and paused for a moment, then went tumbling straight down. I screamed like crazy, sinking my fingernails into Liam's hand. He laughed in reply.

"I'm going to die!" I screamed. Liam laughed again.

"You're not funny!" yelled as I laughed along with him.

My life has been crazy, everything about it. In less than a year, I became friends with my favorite band, met the boy I love, broke up with the boy I love, and then some. It's been just like this roller coaster moving full speed ahead with constant twists and turns, but I know from this point on, it only goes in one direction.

No pun intended.


I'm sorry, I crying. How can I not, I've been working on this story for like a year, and now it's all done :,( I started writing this story just for fun, and I didn't really care if anyone read it, but then people did!! It was crazy, man. I got really excited about all the reads, I would write my number of reads on my hand every day in green pen, if I did that now, the number would be over 200,000, that's just unbelieveable! I love you guys :)


(subtle much?) okay, no, there will not be a sequel, BUT I do have another story (bout Hazza, what a babe) its called ...But you don't notice at all ANDDDDD IM WRITING A NIALL STORY! It'll be called "I wish" and I'm so extremely excited about it. I am also considering writing a Nenzie and Zalyssa one shot. Idk, if you guys want me to.

But if you don't want to read those, and our road ends here (tear) let me just tell you one thing (no pun intended):

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading my story, it fudging means the world to me, and I'm not exaggerating (okay maybe a little) every comment and vote brings a smile to my face, and I'm so greatful for you guys. I hope you all go far in life, and if we meet again it will be because we are both marrying every member of one direction :) I hope you find joy in all you do, and be kind to one another :)

Sneezing baby pandas and the ability to become the ritz box Harry styles licks to you all!

<3 French fry

(I need a moment)

...I unntentionally included a lot of 1D song titles in that authours note.

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