Poptarts, Parties, and Issues

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  • Dedicated to Niall Horan :)

Liam's voice crackled through the intercom and it felt like someone stabbing me in the chest, "I guess I just wasn't good enough for Mae, and she decided she'd rather be with Harry,"

"That's totally not true she's totally crazy-" protested Harry.

"Save it! I wouldn't believe it from her and I sure as heck won't believe it from you, just don't bother me, I'm fine," he said.

"You don't seem fine," said Niall.

"I swear, I never wanted to break you and Mae up, I just-" started Harry.

"You just what? Thought you could kiss my girlfriend every once and a while and I wouldn't mind if she had feelings for you and never told me. And I just told here I loved her," Liam's voice started cracking, "and none of that ment anything to her, and I don't know what to do,". I am terrible, I can't believe what I did, I don't deserve a guy as great and as honest as Liam. I have to fix this..

"I don't know what I thought," admitted Harry.

"Yeah, you just did it without thinking! Like you always do!" said Liam

"Guys calm down!" said Louis, "We're all a band here, we can get through this!".

"Whatever," said Liam.

"Have you tried actuly talking to Mae?" asked Zayn.

"I have nothing to say to her," said Liam.

"She may have a few things to say to you!" said Harry.

"Whatever," he said, "I'm going out for the day, I'll see you this afternoon,". I heard footsteps then the door slamming. Liam was gone.

"Whatever, I just came down to get some pop tarts for Mae," said Harry.

"Let us go up with you," said Niall.

"I'm sure Mae would like to see you guys," Harry said. He was right, I would like to see them all.

"Let's go see my carrotling," said Louis. Harry clicked the intercom off.

I played my one of my favorite 1D songs to make me feel better.

It feels like we've been livin' in fast forward

Another moment passing by

(Up up up all night)

The party's ending but it's now or never

Nobody's going home tonight

(Up up up all night)

Katy Perry's on replay

She's on replay

DJ got the floor to shake, the floor to shake

People going all the way

Yeah, all the way

I'm still wide awake

I wanna stay up all night

And jump around until we see the sun

I wanna stay up all night

And find a girl and tell her she's the one

Hold on to the feeling

And don't let it go

'Cause we got the floor now

Get out of control

I wanna stay up all night

And do it all with you

Up, up, up all night

Like this, all night, hey

Truly Madly Crazy Deeply in Love (aka One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now