Mae Did WHAT?!?!?

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A/N: hi I'm tired, and I have been neglecting to update. I know, I suck, anyway I hope you like this chapter etc etc!

"Are we almost there?" I asked bouncing up and down in my seat. (Yes, since I finally calmed down-a little-they let me out of the trunk). I get to see Liam again, it was like Christmas and my birthday and every other holiday that you get candy or presents for all rolled up into one. Yes, I make great analogies while I'm excited.

"It's almost the same as when you asked thirty seconds ago," smirked Harry.

"But I want to be there now!" I whined shaking Niall's arm. Harry smirked. "don't you dare laugh at me, Styles"

"It's fun to see Mae's spectrum of emotions," said Niall to Kenzie.

She rolled her eyes, "none of this is new for me,".

"Are we almost there now?" I asked Louis who was driving.

"Yes," he said.



"I hate you,"

"We should listen to music!" said Kenzie. Louis cranked the volume on the stereo.

"My hearts a stereo, it beats for you so listen close..." Adam Leviene's voice burst through the speakers.

"Here the thought in every no-oh-ote!" sang Zayn as loudly and obnoxiously as he could.

I laughed as the song continued to play. "You know what?" I said.

"Wha?" said Niall turning to face me.

"I love you guys,"

"And you're extremely corny!" said Harry sticking his tounge out at me.

"You know what?" said Louis, clearly mocking me.

"Yessssss?" said Harry.

"WE'RE HERE!" he said.

I yelled the first thing that popped into my head.

"CARROTS!" I yelled as loud as I possibly could and climbed over the seat (and Zayn) to get to the door. I ran into the police station much faster than I probably should. I looked around, but there was no sign of Liam or Alyssa anywhere.

"Mae?" said a voice behind me. A smile stretched across my lips and I jumped into his arms. Liam and I's lips smashed together. We kissed hungrily and I twisted my fingers in his hair.

"Don't eat each others faces off!" said Louis as everyone else walked in.


"How do you think I feel?" said Alyssa, "I've been here the whole time!"

"Lissy!!!" I screamed giving her a big hug.

"Did you guys get her drunk or something, you do know she's underage..." said Alyssa.

I rolled my eyes, "Well sorry for being happy to have my best friend and my boyfriend back again," I remarked sarcasiticly.

"Isn't she just a bundle of joy!?" said Kenzie to Liam, "she's all yours,"

A devilish grin appeared on Liam's face and he lifted methrown front of him wrapping my legs around his rib-cage so he wouldn't hurt my broken ribs, then started running outside. Once we got out of the police station's double doors, he put me down and kissed me again right there in the parking lot. I felt something cold on my forehead and looked up to see it was snowing for the first time this year. "What day is it?" I mumbled against Liam's lips.

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