Going to the Mall, and 1...2...3..Flick!

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"Can't we at least eat our toast before we go?" complained Louis.

"And someone needs to clean up all this cinnamon!" I said and went to grab the vacuum. I came back and ate my piece of toast.

I handed Harry the vacuum, "get to work curly!" I said.

"Yes, mother," complained Harry.

"When your parents named you Harry, did they really expect you to have that much hair?" asked Alyssa.

"You have no idea how many times someone has asked me that," said Harry.

After we cleaned up all the cinnamon, we all piled onto the couches.

"Now can we go to the mall?" oh Abby!

"Abby, we aren't supposed to leave the house!" I said.

"Pleeease?" she said to Harry giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Hey you heard Mae, and she's the boss," said Harry.

"We're like one big family!" said Louis, "Mae and Liam are the parents, Alyssa and Zayn are the irresponsible teenagers, and Harry and Abby are the seven year olds! Oh an Niall's the neighbor kid.

"And Louis is the crazy uncle that we don't let within three feet of us," I said.

"Yes! See even Mae thinks we're a family," smiled Louis.

"Oh great, I'm seven!" complained Abby. Would she quit making goo goo eyes at Harry, I mean she's only known him for a few minuites and she's acting like they're in a committed relationship.

"Okay fine, we can go to the mall," I said finally giving in. I didn't want to sit around making out and playing truth or dare anymore.

"Yay!" said Abby.

We all piled into the car, Louis driving, Harry at shotgun, Alyssa Zayn and Abby in the middle and Liam, Niall and I in the back. Louis turned on the radio and the song Drive By came blaring through the speakers.

"Oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya, this is not a drive by I-I-I-I," I sang along.

"YOU SANG!" said Liam.

"Your really good," said Niall.

"Well I am in honors choir at school," I said quietly.

"When do you perform?" asked Liam, "because we are totally coming!"

"Well, I probably won't be back at school in time for the concert," I said.

"I'm sorry Mae," said Liam giving me a hug, "We'll try our best to get you back in time," I kissed his cheek, I was so thoughtful. I rested my head on his shoulder and he stroked my hair.

"We're here!" said Louis.

"YAY!" said Alyssa, "I haven't been shopping in forever!"

"We went shopping last weekend," I said.

"I know! It's been forever!"

All eight of us piled out of the car tripping over each other. I tripped and almost fell on my back, but was quickly caught by Harry. Our eyes met and he awkwardly helped me stand back up.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"No problem," said Harry. You could almost feel the awkward.

The boys pulled up their hoods and put on sunglasses so they hopefully wouldn't be recognized as easily.

"Let's go to Holister," I said.

We approached Holister.

Alyssa Abby and I went and looked through the girl stuff and Liam accompanied me.

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