One Wet Harry, One Surprise Visitor

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  • Dedicated to One Direction!

AN: Hey! I've been home all day, but I'm so sick that I couldnt write most of the day but I finally finished this chapter! I hope you like it!

Liam lifted me as if I weighed nothing and set me on the granite countertop continueing to kiss me.

Then I head a familiar voice, "Okay, I'll come back later,"

I looked and saw it was Harry, "Harry Styles!" I scolded.

"Hey, I just wanted to know if I was allowed to change into dry clothes, I am one wet Harry," he said.

"Yes Harry, we're done playing now," I said.

"That's what I though, but then I saw you snogging Liam," he said.

"OWNED!" yelled Louis from the living room.

"And now that we're talking about snogging.." said Harry.

"Go get changed you curly flirt!" I said to him, and he went to his room.

"I'm not curly, or a flirt," yelled Louis.

"Don't make me come in there!"

"Ahhh fear the fifteen-year-old!" screamed Louis.

"Watch out, Louis," said Niall, "all women are mind-readers, I saw it on a YouTube video once,"

"I should probably answer my text messages," I said climbing down from the countertop.

"If you're sure," said Liam, "just don't listen to any haters,".

I started with Kenzie, "I'm fine, don't worry, I just can't go around in public for a while, don't worry , I'm close to home <3 Mae"

Then Laci: "I'm fine, just I'm going to be out of school for a bit, and I can't text for a while.

I didn't text Dune, I didn't want to explain.

To Alyssa: "I'm fine, just lonely will you come here tomorrow?"

"Fine where is it?" I texted her where the house was and made her promise not to tell anyone.

"Alyssa's coming over tomorrow," I told Liam.

"Zayn will be excited," he said pulling me back in.

"Wait!" I said, "let me finish my messages!".

Next was Abby: "Sorry! :( I promise I'll introduce you to them soon!"

"You better!" she answered.

Next was Malory. Liam saw the last message she had sent me.

"I've got a perfect one for this girl," he said. He grabbed my phone and started typing. He showed it to me.

"LAIM! I am not sending that, those are not nice words!" I said.

"They're true though," he complained.

"You can't fight fire with fire!" I said.

"You're right, as usual," he smiled and pulled me in. Jake's text message would just have to wait, a very, very long time. He kissed me and put me back up on the countertop. He stood up against the counter between my legs.

Beep! Beep! The timer on the oven went off.

I stopped kissing him but I didn't pull away from him. "Pizza's done," I whispered.

"Harry! Pizza's done!" yelled Liam, leaning back in to kiss me.

"You're already in there, you get it!" yelled Harry.

Liam rolled his eyes, "it's fine," I whispered, and climbed down off of the counter again.

I got the pizzas out of the oven. "Come get the pizza before I eat it all," I yelled into the living room. The boys came running into the kitchen climbing over each other.

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