Red flags

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I ignored every red flag I seen . From the beginning of this relationship, I honestly didn't pay attention. " spending nights  was fine I swear I could come and go as I pleased. I love clingy but he was too clingy and I ignored it.
To be honest it started with the constant texts every time I went home . Getting mad blowing me up I found it cute actually thought he was just  trying to get all my attention.
Spending Nights Turned Into Me Staying Everyday . I loved him I still love him I just never seen any of this coming.
"Don't you wish people showed they're crazy side before you even start dating?
Becoming more and more possessive
(I'm calling my mom and them everyday crying) After a full month it came to a point when he WOULDNT LET ME LEAVE!!
I got tired of being there all the time.
He wanted me all to his self, no family no friends nobody.
If he couldn't go with me if I went some were I couldn't leave at all!!

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