His sibling's

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He made a scene and put everybody in our business , because I wanted to go outside . Everybody know when it comes to the mama family you gotta watch them definitely when it's just you against them.

You can tell em pull up and get you as long as you ain't walking I ain't tripping

I hate you idc nomore about anything you got it
I'm arguing with the sister because you need to stay in a child place you have no right to say shit smart to me still in damn middle school n act like a grown woman!

Cause now you got this lil girl saying shit to meee where you went ? I slap kids and all idc

That's Jst her you talking crazy in her mama house !
So you can talk reckless and treat me any kinda way in y'all mama house ? You GMFU fr You won't let me leave but I'm the bad person?

(I'm sorry just wanted to hold you ) he claimed
Hold? Me you fucking kidding me you to controlling addictive we don't even have our own place tg I'm not gonna be sitting here everyday like I don't have a life because you don't want me to have one.

If I come bck can I hold you please can we tlk bout our mistakes jessi???
Our mistake? Or yours I can't sit here and be the one at fault everytime you don't believe the shit you do is wrong ? Shit is crazy!

My sister She in there crying to can you please go Tlk to her ??
For what reason she wanna be grown so bad I'm not apologizing to no damn body! But Okay I'll leave no issues
Him-(Son I'm finna ride with ya )

That's crazy I told you you just want me all to yo self no family friends ....
Okay well you not going if anybody pull up imma show em some! (It's over with )

You rather me lose everybody but you

Man I'm not trynna hear that wat you finna argue with me ?want me to come in there and make a scene??

Him-I want you to try and walk out this door imma show you I swear to god jess.
( I cry non stop when I'm alone)
I believe him everytime because when he's not acting like this mannnnn we get alone sooo good! We laugh we smoke we play , (The sex) lord the sex is amazing .I just can't lose my happiness and more because of a man . Yeah we all go through stuff but I'm drained and the pain I no longer wanna keep dealing with!

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