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Your POV:

Damien held onto me the entire way, as we looked for Shayne. I honestly don't know how long it took, but when we got there, I couldn't understand what they were saying. All I could hear was the sound of static, as my vision began to pulse in and out of focus. I felt every one of my muscles freeze in place, as little needles shot through my body. No thoughts, or words. Just static. I felt my body being pulled, as I moved from Damien to Shayne. His arms wrapped around me tightly, as he began to whisper in my ear. His words barely made it through the static.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry. We'll take you home. I'm so sorry."

I closed my eyes for a second, and somehow I was being placed on a bed. Nothing makes sense anymore, almost like my reality completely shifted. I just laid there until the sun began to rise. I can't spend the rest of my life in fear. I promise from this moment forward my weakness will be my own and not shared with the world. I got out of bed, and began to get dressed for the day. I settled on a pair of black skinny jeans and Damiens hoodie. Shayne had set it up to where I didn't have to show up for work anymore but I decided to go in anyways. I walked into the living room, finding both Shayne and Damien on the couch. They gave me a confused look before Damien spoke.

"Are you okay?"

I gave him the biggest smile I could physically manage.

"Never better!"

They looked at each other, before turning back to me.

"Ian and Joe said you could work from home, remember?"

"Yeah.. I'm good. I want to socialize. Y'all hungry?"

They both shook their heads, so I turned away and went to the kitchen for some breakfast.

Damien's POV:

Something about the way she's acting isn't right. Her entire personality shifted overnight. I turned to Shayne with a confused look.

"Yeah.. I agree."

"You don't even know what I was gonna say."

"She's not herself. Anyone can see that."

"Shayne... I'm worried."

He nodded in agreement. I have to do something, find a way to help her realize she doesn't have to fight this alone. The promise Shayne asked me to keep continues to bounce around in my head. Maybe I should talk to Shayne about suggesting therapy to her, or help her find someone she trusts enough to open up to. Maybe me.. I just have to show her she can trust me.

"What do you think about asking her to see a therapist? It would do her some good, ya know."

"Let's give it a couple of days, maybe a week. I don't want to overwhelm her."

We both stopped talking as she walked back in.

"Can I catch a ride with one of y'all? I don't care who."

Shayne spoke first.

"Maybe you should take the day off. Relax."

The Day We Met: Damien Haas x Reader (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now