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Your POV:

The sound of crashing waves surrounds me, as the cold water slowly reaches the soles of my feet. The sun's rays gently kiss the water, as it sets along the horizon. It's beautiful to see the colors meld together to make a pretty pink color. Such a beautiful sight to see. I felt strong arms wrap around my waist, as a slight pressure was placed upon my shoulder.
Lavender and peppermint.
I let the scent linger in my nose for as long as I was able.

“Beautiful isn't it?”

So soft.

So soothing.

He gently turned me around, to become more than just a soothing voice, but a bright smile as well.

“Promise me?”


His eyes became black and his grin grew into something sinister.

“Promise me?”

I shot up with staggered breaths and a rapid heartbeat. He keeps popping up in my dreams but never in a nightmare. Something about him and the way he makes me feel isn't normal. I turned my gaze to his sleeping form. My head began to pound, and a wave of nausea hit me instantly, so I shot up and raced to the bathroom. All I could taste was stomach acid and vodka, which only made me feel worse. When my body couldn't remove anything else, I stood up and headed back to Damien's room, where he was still fast asleep. He looks comfortable and serene, only making me wonder if everyone has nightmares as much as me. It's tiring. I climbed back into bed with him, and laid my ear to his chest, hearing the familiar heart beat that had soothed me to sleep the night before.

“Let me show you how it feels to be loved. Let me show you how a man should properly treat you, will you go on a date with me?”

The memory only popped in my head for a moment, but long enough for me to widen my eyes. I have a date? What do you even do, or wear? How do you act? Ughh.. I stood up once again and made my way to the living room to find Shayne. I never actually checked the time though, or even looked out the window to see if the sun had risen.  When I got to the living room I noticed it was still dark out. I still haven't gotten my phone and stuff from Courtney either, so I can't just call her. The sound of faint whispering came from Shayne's room and my feet had a mind of their own, as I found myself heading straight for his door. I tried my best to listen, so I didn't intrude on anything private. It didn't sound too bad so I gave the door a slight knock, earning a muffled answer from the other side.

“Come in.”

I paused for only a second, before turning the door knob, and revealing both Shayne and Courtney sitting across from each other on the bed. It seems like they were just talking, which makes me feel better about my sudden intrusion.

“Um.. can I talk to you?”

Courtney responded suddenly, making me feel a little bad for not wanting her instead.

“Umm.. Shayne.. actually, I'm sorry.”

She gave me a bright smile, and stood up.

“You can stay. I don't mind.”

She responded by just sitting down, making room for me to join next to them.

The Day We Met: Damien Haas x Reader (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now