Your POV:

After last night, Shayne and I became closer. It didn't take long before he invited everyone over for a welcome home party I told him I didn't need. He told me that he should've thrown one sooner. Damien and I are sitting on the couch, watching him and Courtney run around the house setting things up. I felt the nerves building in my stomach, when Shayne came in to talk to us.

"Everyone should start getting here in about 30 minutes."

I began to play with my fingers, trying to calm myself. The last thing I wanted was to be trapped in a house with a bunch of sympathetic eyes drilling into the back of my head.

"Are you guys ready?"

"Pretty much, Just a little nervous."

I responded almost sarcastically. Trying to get him to understand that this isn't me at all. I've never been around so many people at once, other than classes but even then they don't talk to me. Courtney came around the corner holding small shot glasses raising them up slightly in excitement.

"This should take the edge off."

She handed each of us one, excluding Damien.

"If you want to of course."

"I've never actually had any.... I don't know."

I looked up at Shayne for a moment, trying to find some sort of comfort in him like it use to be. The bond we once had is a lot farther away than I had hoped.

"What if..."

Damien placed a hand on my shoulder, while Shayne gave me a sympathetic look. Damien's warm touch brought me the confidence I didn't know I needed.

"You're not even close to Dad Y/N. You don't have a mean bone in your body, but I promise I won't let you do anything."

I looked over at Damien, meeting his gaze.

"What about you? Are you gonna have one?"

He raised his hands slightly.

"I don't drink."

"Why not?"

"Personal preference really."

I looked down at the drink in front of me, before taking it all in one go. It was a lot smoother than I expected. The bitter drink burned slightly all the way down.

"Can I have another one?"

Courtney and Shayne both laughed, before she went and brought me another one. I took it the same way.

"Go easy though. You don't want a horrible hangover."

"A what?"

Damien chuckled slightly, before tapping my shoulder to get my attention.

"If you just listen to me throughout the night, I'll make sure it doesn't happen."

"I don't want you to have to babysit me all night."

"I don't mind at all, Hun."

The Day We Met: Damien Haas x Reader (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now