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He came like the summer breeze, hot but tame

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He came like the summer breeze, hot but tame. It was early spring, still cold, yet the entire village warmed up with his presence. After all, it's rare to have someone as important as him visiting our place.

- Memory Journal: The Knight, page 1 –

He knew what he's been doing. The moment he heard the word "date" excitedly articulated on his hyung's mouth, his mind immediately ran miles, thinking of the best thing he could do to prevent it. Yes, among other things, he didn't like his Taehyung hyung to have a one-on-one date with his precious baby noona.

Call him jealous, but would anyone fault him for it? Besides, it's true that his hyung promised tonight as their recording. It's the last reschedule that he allowed. He let Taehyung him swear not to change it anymore after all the older's postponements or Shi-hyuk hyung would scold him for not honoring his promise as well and that was to complete the ten songs for his album before the year ends.

He was just honoring his promise and his Taehyung-hyung should too.


Evil as he was, he smirked, watched the frustrations etched on his hyung's face for a long minute before pushing the button to let him communicate to the man inside the booth.

"Focus hyung. We'll finish soon." He reminded.

The older inside the booth pouted as he pleasantly grinned and instructed the sound engineer beside him.

Persuading Taehyung to go on the recording was easy. He simply displayed his adorable wide puppy eyes with a pout on his lips. And sure thing, the man sighed in surrender. Telling him that he can perhaps go with him to visit her tonight also sealed the deal. Perhaps. Take note on that.

He knew he had been childish. He admitted that. But he can't just help it. This time, however, has been different. He feels possessive and above all protective for Dal-rae. Not when he knew how afraid she was with Taehyung. His whole being was egging him to keep her safe. And in order to do that was to keep the date from happening.

However, not everything he wanted would happen...

A soft knock resounded, stopping Jungkook from his musings. As he looked at the door, it opened and came stepping in was his Jimin-hyung. The older's white shirt was so drenched with sweat, it was sticking on his form, looking more like his second skin. It's concerning what's the emergency was that the older didn't care walking around like that, endangering his health. He should have changed first.

"Jiminie, hyung." He addressed the man as the other gestures for him to come near, perhaps avoiding interrupting Taehyung from recording. However, it's already too late, for Jimin was Taehyung's angel and the former was already out from the booth, looking more relieved for the latter's presence.

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