Chapter 4

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𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 | Chapter 4

As days went by, Nandhini found herself getting into a routine at work. She was surrounded by encouraging coworkers who appreciated what she did. She was still embarrassed from her first day and initial interaction with Manik, but she wasn't letting it stop her from moving forward and not thinking back on her mistakes from the past. She was unable to ignore the fact that Manik was missing from the cafeteria and to their floor, though.

She suddenly realized that he might be deliberately avoiding her, possibly because he was still bitter over their prior encounter. But, he had more important things to do than fussing about her, so she reasoned that she shouldn't be thinking in this manner about him. Nandhini, nonetheless, saw this as a chance to prove her abilities and win his respect with professionalism and hard work.

Nandhini set out to excel in her role, putting all of her effort into every project and assignment that was allotted to her. With confidence, she took on difficulties, aiming to prove to Manik and everyone else that she was capable, responsible, and worthy of their trust. Nandhini's efforts did not go unnoticed as the weeks passed. Her coworkers saw her hard work and dedication, and she started to build a reputation for confidence, on time work completion and quality .

Even though Nandhini and Soha had a harmless differences, she didn't let it stop her from concentrating on fostering strong bonds with her other coworkers. Although she was aware of Soha's hatred for her, she made the decision to ignore it and keep moving toward what she wanted. Soha's feelings for Nandhini had been evident from the start, as she openly disapproved of Nandhini's considered being less worthy as she is middle class girl. But, Nandhini was further motivated by Soha's mocking comments and disapproving looks to create her worth by her skills and work ethic rather than her familial background or class status.

Nandhini refused to be intimidated by Soha's shallow judgements and superficial attitudes. Although Soha's judgmental glances, she stuck to her own style and tastes, dressing in comfortable clothing that expressed her own personality.

Even while Soha could have written Nandhini off as a "behanji" with nothing more to offer than her education, Nandhini was aware of her value being far greater than what met the eye. She was proud of her middle-class upbringing because she knew it had given her the virtues of faith, hard effort, and sincerity.

Nandhini refused to let Soha's small opinions affect her as she carried on producing excellent work and gaining the respect of her peers. She was aware that the actual measure of success was the influence one made using their work and behaviors, not their wealth or class status.  Nandhini was passionate in her attempt to demonstrate her skills for her position inside the organization, irrespective of Soha's opinions.

And as long as Nandhini kept pushing herself to be the best, she was sure that her hard work and patience will lead to a productive working relationship with her difficult boss. She knew that actions spoke louder than words, even if she still yearned for the opportunity to convince Manik of her own worth. With every project that went well and every time Nandhini had a good conversation with her coworkers, she got closer to her objective of gaining Manik's respect.

Today since morning after weeks she and friends were free so they decided to go cafeteria and have their lunch while they spend some quality time chatting together. Soha walked over with a smug smile on her face while Nandhini and her friends, Ravi, Kumar, Anirudh, and Navya, were enjoying their lunch together in the cafeteria.

Soha: "Well, well, well, if it isn't our resident behanji. What are you doing here, Nandhini? Shouldn't you be back in your little city?"

Nandhini felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment and angry, but she refused to let Soha's words get to her. Ignorance is the best medicine for such losers like Soha.

Ravi: "Hey, Soha, that's not cool. Lay off Nandhini."
Kumar: "Yeah, why are you always targeting her? Leave her alone."

Soha's grin widened, reveling in the attention she was getting. "Oh, please. I'm just speaking the truth. Nandhini doesn't belong here with us."

Anirudh's patience snapped, and he stood up, his voice dripping with anger.

Anirudh: "That's enough, Soha! You have no right to speak to Nandhini like that. Mind your own business."

Kumar: "Yeah, it's not okay to insult someone just because they're different from you. Have some decency."

Soha's eyes narrowed, and she sneered at the group. "You're all just defending her because you're afraid of me."

Navya shook her head, her voice firm. "No, Soha, we're standing up for Nandhini because it's the right thing to do. You need to stop with your hurtful comments."

Ravi: "Yeah, it's not cool to spread negativity. Just leave us alone and let us enjoy our lunch."

With a deep breath, Nandhini rose from her seat, her eyes meeting Soha's fiery glare.

Nandhini: "You're right, Soha. According to your narrow-minded standards, I don't belong here. But guess what? I'm here, and I'm here because of my intelligence and skill set, unlike some people who rely solely on their status and cake-makeup to get by."

Soha's face contorted with anger, her fists tightening at her sides. People were giggling hearing this.

Nandhini continued, her voice cutting through the tension: "You see, wearing all that makeup still couldn't grab Manik's attention, till now!"

The cafeteria fell silent as Nandhini's words hit their mark, causing a collective gasp from the employees to some workers from cafeteria staff. Soha and her friends(minions) looked visibly humiliated, while Nandhini's friends couldn't contain their laughter.

Soha struggled to find a retort, her face flushed with embarrassment and rage. With a frustrated huff, Soha stormed off, her pride wounded and her ego bruised.
As the cafeteria buzzed with whispers and murmurs, Nandhini's friends cheered quietly, their admiration for her growing stronger.

With her head held high, Nandhini returned to her seat, feeling a sense of pride and empowerment wash over her. She had stood up for herself and refused to be intimidated.

With her friends by her side, Nandhini felt ready to face whatever challenges came her way. And as they laughed and chatted, she knew she had a support system that would stand by her through thick and thin.

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