part - 4

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Time skip

At 11:30 pm

yoongi just came home from work.

Then it appears that the house is very quiet.
Then he sits on the couch and calls the maid and asks
Where are Taehyung and Jungkook, have you both had dinner?

Maid : Sir, both of them are in their own rooms, and they have not even eaten food.

Yoongi thinks
Hmmmm looks like both were waiting for me. But both of them should have eaten their food, I told them that sometimes I get late.

Yoongi goes to Taehyung's room And he see Taehyung is sleeping and he looks very cute while sleeping.

Then he gently touches Taehyung's hair and kisses him on the head.

taehyung get up and have dinner yoongi slowly wakes up taehyung

Taehyung flinches when he sees Yoongi sit infront of him.

hyung when did you arrive? Taehyung quickly sat on the bed and said

Just now , but Why are you afraid of me,  may be i'm a monster Yoongi said jokingly

No hyung , i'm jus....
Taehyung speaks and Yoongi cuts him.

Why didn't you have dinner? And where is Jungkook, has he also fallen asleep?

Taehyung was sweating all over his face. His both hands started shaking

Taehyung why are you scared? Yoongi hugged Taehyung and said wait let me bring water

Yoongi picks up the glass, pours water from the jugs and makes Taehyung drink it with his hands.

Taehyung you're still afraid of me. please forgive me for that day Yoongi placed his hand on Taehyung's back and said

No hyung! I'm just
Taehyung said while looking down

Ok you rest, I will check on Jungkook. Yoongi calmed down Taehyung and said.

After some time yoongi went jungkook room

Yoongi knocks the door of Jungkook's room.

no response

Then he knocks loudly on the door

Jungkook open the door .
Yoongi shouted

Jungkook! Jungkook! Open the door baby Why are you not opening the door? I am feeling tensed. Yoongi had tears in his eyes

Guard! Guard! everybody get here Yoongi shouted

Yoongi screams so loudly that even Taehyung can hear it
Why are you shouting, something has happened to Jungkook. no i will go and see.

Taehyung, the security guard and the maids all come over to Yoongi. And yoongi had tears in his eyes

Hyung what happend ! Why are you crying hyung? And why are you standing outside Jungkook's room? Taehyung asks tensely

I tried so hard but Jungkook won't even open the door.
I think the door will have to be broken down .guard break the door

Yoongi odered.

Gaurd : yes sir .

They Tried a lot to break the door but after a long time the door broke.

he saw a different sight. Jungkook was not in his room, his room was completely empty.

where is jungkook Yoongi gets angry and shouts

We've tried calling him, texting him, and  checked the common areas. We could try to find him anywhere.
Sicurity gaurd said to yoongi

(Suggesting) Maybe we should check the other rooms or even outside the building?
Taehyung said

Yoongi: (Nodding) That's a good idea. Let's split up and search .

Alright, let's go. We need to find Jungkook as soon as possible
If Jungkook is not found then nothing worse than me will happen to you guys. Yoongi said angrily

Everyone will separate and start searching for Jungkook. but jungkook was not found

Sir, we can't find Jungkook. Now we should call some police and search the city. i think jungkook ran away
Gaurd said to yoongi

You guys are of no use, you guys didn't even see Jungkook running away.  If I don't find my younger brother by this night, I will kill you.
Yoongi said holding the security guard by his collar

Sorry sir ! we will try our best

yoongi calls someone hello jin hyung jungkook has left home please help me quickly

Wait Yoongi, don't worry, I will come fast.

Yoongi then hangs up the phone and leaves in his car with the security guard to look for Jungkook.

Another side

Taehyung goes to a playground to find Jungkook

But Jungkook is not there either, but there is a bridge to cross the river . Taehyung sees someone standing there.

Is that jungkook?

To be continue ......


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