part - 11

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Yoongi burst through the front door, his face etched with anger as he dragged a protesting Jungkook behind him. 'Why couldn't you just listen to me?' Yoongi growled, throwing Jungkook onto the floor.

Jungkook groaned as he hit the ground, wincing in pain. 'I'm sorry, hyung,' he mumbled, rubbing his sore arm. 

Jin and Hoseok stop Yoongi but Yoongi's anger is very dangerous. yoongi doesn't listen to anyone.
Yoongi grabs Jungkook and takes him into the room. And say

Jungkook! You little punk!

Yoongi throw jungkook on the floor

Jungkook : Ow! (crying)

Yoongi towering over Jungkook and say How dare you disobey me? I told you not to go outside!

Jungkook(defiant) : I 'm sorry hyung! Kai was started first, and I...

Yoongi cut him off
Excuses! You're always getting into trouble.

Yoongi brings the cane from the corner

Jungkook cries loudly and begs Yoongi not to beat him.
No, hyungi! Please, don't...

Yoongi doesn't listen to anything and starts beating Jungkook. and jungkook cries loudly

Jungkook : Ahh! Hyung  its ...hurt! I'm sorry hyung..

Jin and Hoseok come running into Yoongi's room.

Yoongi, stop! This is too much!

Jin shouts loudly

You're going to seriously hurt him!

Yoongi ignoring them
He deserves it. He's a worthless piece of trash.

Taehyung also comes to Yoongi's room and stands there in shock.

Jin slapping Yoongi across the face
That's enough!

Yoongi drops the cane from his hand. And comes to his senses and sees Jungkook lying down unconscious.

Jin holding Jungkook in his arms
You pushed him too far. He's fainted.

Hoseok comforting Jungkook
Jungkook, wake up, baby  .

Taehyung sobbing in the room corner   and Taehyung gets scarred after seeing Jungkook's poor condition.

Yoongi realizied the gravity of the situation
(dropping to his knees)
Oh my god... What have I done?

Taehyung rushes to Jungkook and then cries and says

You're going to kill him! Just like you did to me!

Yoongi : Taehyung...! Listen to me.....

You've done enough damage. We need to get Jungkook to the hospital.
Jin looks at Yoongi angrily and then to the side.

Yoongi : (nodding) Okay...

jin, taehyung or hoseok taking jungkook to the hospital

The sterile white walls of the hospital room seemed to amplify the silence, broken only by the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor. Jungkook lay pale and still, his chest rising and falling shallowly. Jin, his face etched with worry, sat by the bed, gently stroking Jungkook's hair. Hoseok, his usual bright smile gone, paced restlessly, his eyes darting between the monitor and the door.

 Hoseok, his usual bright smile gone, paced restlessly, his eyes darting between the monitor and the door

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As the doctor emerged from Jungkook's room, his expression was grim. 'Jungkook is very weak,' he announced. 'He has sustained multiple injuries, including a severe concussion.'

Taehyung's heart sank. He had witnessed Yoongi's violent outbursts before, but never to this extent. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was different.

'What caused this?' Jin asked, his voice trembling.

'Blunt force trauma,' the doctor replied. 'He was likely beaten with a heavy object.'

Taehyung felt a surge of anger and helplessness. He had always been protective of Jungkook,   But this time, he had failed to protect him.

As the doctor left, Taehyung couldn't control his tears. He remembered his own traumatic past, the abuse he had endured at the hands of his brother . The thought of Jungkook experiencing similar pain filled him with unbearable anguish.

 The thought of Jungkook experiencing similar pain filled him with unbearable anguish

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'I should have done something,' sobbed. 'I should have stopped him.'
Taehyung said whilr crying.

Jin and Hoseok comforted him as best they could. They knew that Taehyung's past made this situation particularly difficult for him.

'It's not your fault, Tae,' Jin said. 'Yoongi is the one who did this.'

Just then, after some delay, Yoongi also comes to the hospital. He cries seeing Jungkook in such a condition.

To be continue.....

(  •-•)

Thank you guys, please comment and tell me what to write in the next part.

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