part - 8

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Another side

Yoongi talks to someone on the phone

The phone buzzed in Yoongi's hand, the caller ID flashing 'Unknown.' He answered, his voice a low rumble. 'Who is this?'

'Yoongi, you little punk,' the voice sneered, thick with malice. 'You think you're so tough? Well, I know where your little brother . And your precious Jungkook too. One wrong move, and they're both dead.'

Yoongi's blood ran cold. The threat was raw, laced with the chilling certainty of a predator. Taehyung. Jungkook. They were his family, his responsibility. His grip on the phone tightened, knuckles turning white.

'Who are you?' he growled, his voice barely a whisper.

A triumphant laugh echoed in his ear. 'That's not important. What's important is you listen to me, Yoongi. You stay out of my way, and If you get too sneaky, I will kill your younger brothers.

And then the unknown caller hangs up the call and Yoongi throws the phone in anger. then someone comes

It was Hoseok, his best friend, his anchor. 'Yoongi, what's wrong? You'

Yoongi took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm raging within him. 'Nothing, Hoseok. Just a little...stressed.'

'Don't lie to me,' Hoseok said, his voice laced with concern. 'I know you. What's going on?'

Yoongi tells Hoseok everything that happened on the phone.

Hoseok listened patiently, his voice soothing like a balm on Yoongi's wounds. 'Don't let them get to you, Yoongi. You're not alone. We'll figure this out together.'

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Hoseok introduction

HoseokYoongi best friend Secret mafia , and also work in yoongi company (sugakim)

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Yoongi best friend
Secret mafia , and also work in yoongi company (sugakim)

ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ🐇་༘࿐

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Yoongi knew Hoseok was right. But the anger, the primal need for vengeance, was a fire burning in his veins. He was Yoongi, the gentle, quiet ceo, but he was also something else. Something darker, something hidden behind a façade of vulnerability. He was the Shadow, the ruthless leader of the most powerful mafia in the city.

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