"Manhattan Walks"

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Pair of thighs, Manhattan walks
Busy streets full of curious eyes
Their stares empower the smugness in her step,
Her insecurities melt into the hells of their comments
The hot breath on her neck warms the carcass of her soul
Acidic and addictive like nicotine
She can taste the cancer in the back of her throat, climbing her esophagus with its sharpened claws
The blood awakens her
It's too sweet now, like chocolate syrup raining, seeping into her pores and flooding her cells
His eyes are his fingers up her dress, he imagines vividly
This city is too small, she is claustrophobic, making room with her swift pace
But he is always first place, his smile can run for miles, he whistles
She is dehumanized when his corrupt song calls for her like a declawed cat

She is a lioness
Do not put your plastic gems on a leash
And tell her she's receiving diamonds

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