Punishments and Realizations (8)

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Hello there. Ah, general Kenobi. Lmao. Anyway.. this chp isn't fully done but I thought I'd still post what I have for you. Also, just letting you know, I'm like constantly editing and adding shit to chapters I've already posted, I don't know if it tells you when I do... but yeah.

I'm extremely unorganized and all over, so I apologize, but we know it can't get much better with me. As much as I like the idea of making this a real book, it's highly unlikely. As I'm sure you can tell, I kind of just get an idea for a chapter and write it, not so much the in between shit to make them connect, make sense? Probably not. Whatever. Byeee.

((Maybe /definitely\ need to fix this up a little. So it flows smoother ya feel me? Do you feel him, sir? Oh my god enough with the WWE references. Anyway, yeah, pls work on this.))


What started as a little disagreement, somehow got turned into a full blown fight, and got blown way out of proportion.

Edward and Harry were having a disagreement; nothing unusual, but then they just started yelling at each other, over something so insignificant that neither of them can really recall anymore — their argument straying past the initial cause. It was right at the dinner table, as well; in front of their mum, and Gemma, too — who had just driven all day back home to visit for a week or so. Probably the worst time and place for them to have an explosive fight. It all escalated very quickly; yelling and screaming, then suddenly standing and getting in each other's faces, which lead to Harry shockingly slapping Edward right across the face.

It fell eerily silent after that...

Harry is now standing staring at his own hand like it's possessed, unable to move; shocked by his own actions. He fucked up, and he knows he's fucked up.

Edward adjusts his jaw a little and looks at Harry with a raised eyebrow and an unreadable look on his face. Harry may be a gentle little baby, but he sure as fuck knows how to hit. He then, without saying a word, calmly sits back down and starts eating again like the fight never happened.

Gemma and Anne are utterly shocked and growing more confused by the second at the twins continuing, confusing interaction. They each thought about intervening; to help diffuse the situation, but figured it best to stay out of it — unless of course, it were to keep escalating. It's not like the boys would have listened to either of them anyway, if they had. When those two are in the middle of a fight, there is no separating them. They'll just ignore everyone around them and continue on until they resolve it themselves.

"40." Edward states coldly, his eyes not even on Harry anymore, which makes it all the more terrifying somehow. Harry's head whips over from his hand to his brother so fast he almost gets whiplash.

"W-What! No! I-" Harry starts, but gets interrupted.

"No?" He chuckles darkly, "50."

"W-Wait! Edward please! I d-didn't-"

Edward abruptly drops his utensils with a loud bang, and his cold stare finally snaps back up to his boyfriend. "Harry, so help me god, if you speak one more word or try to argue with me again, you really won't like what's coming to you. Now sit back down."

Harry recognizes Edward's tone immediately and chokes back a whine. That was the tone of voice he uses only when he is in full dominant mode — when Harry is getting punished or they are deep into playing; it's his daddy voice. Chills run down the submissive boy's spine. He shuts up immediately and complies. As he sits down, — unable to help himself — he slips into full submissive mode; head hung low with his gaze cast down and his hands placed face up in his lap under the table. His head is already getting a little hazy. He can't help it, honestly — Edward's voice has crazy effects on him.

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