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"Happily married to the King"

Night of the Enthronement

Eon Jin is carrying her son who fell asleep on her arms. Her mother Cheon Myeong approach her. "Your Highness, let me carry Prince Alkong and let him stay with us for tonight so you and the King relax for tonight. " Lady Cheon Myeong said. "It's okay,  Eomma... Don't worry about me." Eon Jin said. "Let me take care of him for tonight.. Plus we also want to be with our grandson. Can we?" Lady Cheon Myeong said. Eon Jin smile,  "Arasso... Thank you,  Eomma..." She said and she pass Prince Alkong to her mother.

When Lady Cheon Myeong went to their room with Prince Alkong. Eon Jin is standing in the balcony watching her husband busy on chatting with some guests.

"Your Highness..." Su Jin called her. Eon Jin turned around and she smile when she saw Su Jin. "Lady Su Jin.. Why you're all alone? Where's Woo Sung oppa? "She asked. Su Jin let out a silly smile and pull her. "Yah! Where are we going?" Eon Jin asked. "You'll see.... This is  will be fun,  Your Highness..." Su Jin said.

They went to the pavilion at the back side of the palace.

"Ta-da!" Su Jin said with wide smile on her face. 

Eon Jin eyes got widen when she saw different variety of traditional korean foods and street foods. There's also a traditional korean alcohol and wine.

"It's my thank you gift for you, Your Highness.. " Su Jin said. "And I want to have this moment with you as my bestfriend, Eon Jin." She added.  Eon Jin let out a sincere smile. "Yah! What are we waiting for... Let's have some fun for tonight..." Eon Jin said.

She admit that this is the first time to experience this. Having fun time with a lady who also wants her company.

Their giggles and laughters are filled the entire area. "Cheers!" Su Jin said. And they toss their glasses. Eon Jin loves to eat foods so she enjoy it so much.


Wol Sook started to get worried when she couldn't see Queen Eon Jin during the gathering. She saw King Tae Pyung is also looking for his wife and he's now walking towards to where she is. "Eotteoke!.... What will I say? Aishh... Where are you, Your Highness? "She murmured.

"Wol Sook... Where's my Queen? I couldn't see her here." Tae Pyung asked. "Your Majesty... Honestly, I'm also looking for her... I assist Lady Cheon Myeong on their room and when I came back, she's not here." Wol Sook explained. "What?" Tae Pyung asked.

"Your Majesty... " Woo Sung greet him as he approach them. "Hyung... Did you see Eon Jin?" Tae Pyung asked. Woo Sung look at him with puzzlement. "Ani... Actually I'm going to ask Wol Sook if she know where's Su Jin is." Woo Sung said.


At the pavilion...

Su Jin seem so surprised when she noticed that Eon Jin is already tipsy. "Yah! Eon Jin... Tell me? Is this your first time to drink?" She asked.
Eon Jin 's face is all red.  "Aniyo..." She said. "The first time I drink an alcohol is the night when me and Tae Pyung had an intima-." Eon Jin didn't finish her sentence whem Su Jin cover her mouth. "Arasso.. But aside from that?" She asked. Eon Jin take off her hand from her mouth then she smile."This is my first time to drink like this... You're right, SuJin... It was fun..." Eon Jin said and let out a peal of laughter. "Yah!" Su Jin said. "C'mon... You're drunk already... I'll take you to your chamber." Su Jin said as she try to pull her to stand up but Eon Jin insist. "Yah! We're having fun right now... Let's finish this first." Eon Jin said. "But you're a Queen now... What if someone will see us here.." Su Jin said. "That's my point,  Su Jin... Please! This will be the last.. Tomorrow I need to behave like a real Queen." Eon Jin said and she take the jar and drink the alcohol from it. "Yah!" Su Jin said. "I'm going to be scolded if His Majesty will see you like that... Aishh!" She added. "Im the Queen! If my King scold you just tell me and I gave him a punishment! I swear I will never have mercy on him." Eon Jin said with her loud voice and pointed her chopstick on the table.  Tae Pyung and Woo Sung heard it when they step in to the pavilion. They both gulped as their exchange their glances.

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