Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Once upon a time, long, long ago...

Well, more like 20 years ago, Rei married her beast in front of 6 thousand of their closest personal friends...

Big cake..., instead of a honeymoon, Beast united all of the kingdoms and got himself elected "King of the United States of Auradon'. He rounded up all the villains and sidekicks...basically all the really interesting people, and he booted them off to the Isle of the Lost, with a magical barrier to keep them there.

This is my hood, no magic, no wi-fi, no way out...

Or so I thought...

Hang on! You're about to meet us...but first, this happened...


{Shoto POV}

My head was turned to the window, looking out to the Isle as the magic golden barrier glistened in the sun.

I felt bad, I knew there were those who deserved the exile...but what about the kids? The ones born there who were being raised with the wrong influence?

I was snapped out of my daze by the fitter moving my head straight, remembering I was getting measurements for my Coronation. Once he fit the measuring tape on around my head and removed it, I turned back to the window, though the sight was short lived.

"How is it possible you're going to be crowned King next month? You're just a baby!" My father, Enji, spoke as he entered, linking arms with my mother, Rei.

"He's turning 16 dear." Mom said as she unlinked arms with him to grab some clothes flung over an arm of one of the couches in the room.

"Hey pops." I said nervously, I wanted to bring something up to them if I got the chance.

"16? Thats far to young be crowned king." My father spoke again. "I didn't make a good decision until I was at least...42." He then said, picking a random number based on his pause.

My mother scoffed and rolled her eyes as she picked up another lose piece of clothing from the bed near him. "Uh, you decided to marry me at 28."

"Well, it was either you or the teapot." Dad joked, looking at me and winking as I chuckled.

"Kidding." He spoke, turning to my mother as she had an offended look on her face. She turned to me and shook her head with a smile.

I took a breath; it was now or never.

"Mom, Dad..." I spoke, attempting to step off the platform but the fitter kept me where I currently stood.

"I've chosen my first official proclamation." I said, my parents looked at me with interest and surprise, obviously curious of what I would say next.

"I've decided that the children of the Isle of the Lost be given a live here in Auradon." I said, confidence in my voice, though the feeling of it quickly started to fade when my mother dropped the clothing she was holding with a shocked look and noise. My father looking at my disapprovingly didn't help either, but i decided to continue and maybe convince them.

"Every time I look out to the Island, I feel like they've been abandoned..." I said as I stepped of the platform and towards my parents.

"The children of our sworn enemies, living among us?" My father said, taking an authoritative step towards me. (I swear if one person makes an Among Us joke...)

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