Chatpter 4 - Tour

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So thanks to Turquoise Jelly for commenting on my question.

I'll be using first names in speech and last names during narration. With the exception of Yaomomo, Deku, and Todoroki. The former chapters have already been updated too.

I have another question; What character should I use for Celia in the third book? I can't think of anyone. (They can be from class A or B. I'll respond if I've already assigned them to a different role if you have a suggestion)

We reached over 100 reads! Thank you! This means a lot.
{Momo POV}

"Shoto and Himiko are gonna show you all around. And I'll see you tomorrow." Ryukyu smiled as she leaned on Toga and the Prince's linked arms.

"The doors of wisdom are never shut!" She then said, separating the twos arms which Shoto seemed grateful for. I blinked twice surprised by the action and stepped back slightly.

Sudden movements and noises scared the crap out of me, though you'd never hear me admit it aloud.

Ryukyu chuckled and walked forward before she continued speaking. "But the library hours are from 8-11 and as you may have heard they have a little thing about curfews." She smiled and I returned it, giving that airy chuckle people give when they don't understand something but nod along as if they do, or if they're in an uncomfortable situation.

She nodded to us and walked away, the band following her out until it was just us and the teenage royalty.

"It is so so, so good to finally," Shoto began to walk up to Sero, but was punched in the shoulder and grunted as he finished his sentance. " all." He just smiled and shrugged it off, Sero returning it fakely.

He walked sideways to me and held out his hand which I took. I knew the basics of a handshake, but after the shaking part was over he just stood there staring at me.


I thought, it was as if he zoned out or something.

"This is a momentous occasion." He then suddenly continued, still not letting my hand go until he got all the way to Carlos and I pulled it out of his grasp.

What was that?

I thought in confusion, that is not how handshakes went on the Isle.

If you even met a person decent enough to give you one.

"And one I hope will go down," Shoto shook Izuku's hand. "In history." He laughed as he let go, putting a finger to his mouth.

"That chocolate?" He murmured, looking to Izuku as the latter pulled a chocolate covered thumb out of his mouth from the disks in the car.

"As the day our two peoples began to heal." He finally stopped at Jirou and took her hand with the opposite one the chocolate had just been on.

At least he was a gentleman I guess.

"Or the day that you showed four peoples where the bathrooms are." I joked, and Shoto chuckled.

"A little bit over the top?" He asked as he stepped back to me with a smile and look that I couldn't quite describe.

"A little more then a little bit." I chuckled, and he returned it.

"Well, so much for my first impression." He smiled, and I gave a small laugh, hearing him do the same.

"Hey! You're Shigaraki's daughter aren't you?" Toga suddenly asked, snapping my attention from the dual hair colored Prince to her.

"Yeah, you know what I totally do not blame you for your mom trying to kill me parents and stuff." She forces a smile and I nodded. My eyes widening slightly.

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