Chapter 3 - Arrival

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First off, thank you guys so much for almost 100 reads.

It's not a bunch compared to other stories but it means a lot that both my books have lots people who enjoy them.

Also, I wanted to let you guys know that I already planned out the characters for this ahead of time.

So I'll be using an OC in the second book since I couldn't find a cannon MHA character that fit for Uma and went along with all the other characters I had assigned.

So do you want me to make a book about her so you I can get an idea of her?

Or should I just dedicate a chapter of the second book (since I'm doing the full trilogy) to explaining her.

(Might do the second one since It's easier but if you guys want me to write a book with a storyline, it'll take me forever but, I can manage it.)

Just letting you guys know since I realize that many people don't like when others use their OC's in MHA/BNHA books for some reason.

Anyways, I'm sure you guys just wanna read the chapter, but thanks if you read all of this.

Last thing (actually this time), I've changed the main colors. So you know how Evie's blue, Mal's purple etc.? Yeah I changed that to better fit the MHA characters who've replaced them. So, they're as follows;

Momo - Magenta (not a bright shade though, more of a 'deep magenta')

Jirou - Purple (again not a bright shade)

Izuku - Emerald green and black

Sero - Yellow-Orange

Shoto - Red and blue (blue is the same shade as Ben's, maybe lighter)

Toga - Light pink

Ochako - Pink (any shade, you pick, they all fit)

Mina - Hot pink


{Momo POV}

I looked at the food bar that was across from the boys.

Oh, Dabi... (Dabi = Hades)

I thought to myself.

Just as I predicted the boys shot forward hitting each other as they grabbed at the candy. With it flying everywhere, one strand landed in Jirou's hair as she carefully bent forward to grab a fancy looking purple lollipop.

As we continued to drive, I adjusted myself in the seat, it was soft, comfortable, and strange.

I turned to look out Jirou's window, as mine was partially blocked by the candy stand.

"Here, you're looking a little washed out, lemme help you out." Jirou spoke, taking a blush brush and gliding it across my face a couple times before I hit her hand away.

"Ew, stop." I said, looking away from her as I knew she would look a bit hurt and sad. Makeup was a big thing of hers and she loved doing it, for herself and others.

"I'm...plotting." I finished, wiping the blush with my hand and moving the bit of hair that fell in front of my face away before it fell right back into place.

"Well, it's not very attractive." Jirou spoke, turning in her seat as I rolled my eyes. I heard her try to bite the lollipop.

At least I think it's a lollipop, it was spiky and looked like it was made of gemstone's or something. I scoffed at the thought.

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