Chapter 2 - Mission

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{Momo POV}

Inside the tower I shared with my friends and their parents, my mother sat on her makeshift thrown filing her nails.

"You will go, you will find Ryukyu, and you will bring me back her magic wand." Mom blew on her nails and shrugged, finally looking up from them to me. "Easy peasy."

"What's in it for us?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

"Matching thrones, hers-and-hers crowns" Mother shrugged.

"Um..I think she meant us..." Izuku said as I used my finger to circle me and my friends.

"It's all about you and me baby." Mom said, tossing the nail file aside and standing, coming to the ledge where me and my friends where. "Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" She then asked.

"Well...yeah, I mean who doesn't?" I said with a chuckle.

"Well then get me the wand! And you and I can experience that and so much more." My mother quickly said, leaning forward, causing me to lean back. "With that wand...and my scepter.... I will be able to bend both to and evil to my will!" She held up both her hands as if holding both objects.

"Our will." Midnight, Jirou's mom, quickly corrected her.

Jeanist, Izuku's mom, pointed to Midnight while looking at Mother signaling, she agreed. While Hawks, Sero's dad, turned in agreement.

"Our will, our will." Mom quickly corrected herself, making a reassuring motion with her hands. She snapped, bringing my attention back to her as I had turned to my friend's parents.

"And if you're grounded for the rest of your life missy." She said with a wink.

"Wha- Mom!" I said, obviously upset and felt that it wasn't fair. I didn't want to go to Auradon, I doubt they'd like us anyways.

My Mother snapped again before I could continue my protest, leaning down to be eye level with me. Her dark eyes glowing red, something we did often. It was like a glorified staring contest, but with a special little something only we could do thrown in.

I returned the intense gaze, eye glowing red as well. After a few seconds I blinked, having my eyes glow drained me for some reason.

"Ugh, fine." I groaned in annoyance, taking my hand off the banister which I just realized I had used to steady myself. "Whatever..."

"I win." Mother said triumphantly while dramatically putter her hand to her forehead.

"Kyoka!" Midnight called for her daughter. "My little Evilette-in-Training."

Jirou quickly jogged over to her mother, taking the seat across from her with a smile while her mom continued talking.

"You just find yourself a prince with a big castle, and a mother-in-law wig,"

"And lots and lots of mirrors!" Jirou said in unison with her mother, laughing at the end like a little kid.

"No laughing, wrinkles!" Midnight quickly said, Jirou's smile immediately fading as she looked up.

"Oh, well there not taking my Izuku cause I'd miss him too much." Jeanist said, as I heard my mom groan from her place behind me as I leaned against a nearby wall to her.

"Really mom?" Izuku asked, a slight surprise and hopefulness in his tone.

"Yes! Who would touch up my roots, fluff my fur, and" Jeanist took her leg and placed it in Izuku's arms, the green haired boy crouching slightly from the sudden weight. Honestly, he got all his looks from his father, whoever in the Isle that was. "Scrap the bunions off my feet?"

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