𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖞

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     Saphira was reading a book, her focus undisturbed as I organized documents near the library's threshold. During the last nine months, she had become a very good reader, and I was proud of her progress. But, despite my efforts and Gwyn's gentle persuasions, she still refused to seek counseling.

     Abruptly, the library doors swung open, pulling my gaze upward to lock with Cassian's warm eyes. A welcoming grin spread across his face, and at the sight of him, Saphira's demeanor shifted from absorbed to animated, her book snapping shut.

     While Saphira was initially wary of Cassian, she had become more comfortable with each of his visits. Still, she wasn't comfortable being left alone with him--or any male, for that matter.

     With childlike enthusiasm, she bolted towards him. His laughter rang through the air as he effortlessly scooped her into an embrace.

"Hey, kiddo," he greeted.

"Did you bring me candy?" she asked, eyes lit up.

"Of course," he grinned, putting her down. He pulled a few pieces of candy from his pocket and handed them to her.

"Thank you, Cassie," she beamed, rushing back over to me and sitting down to eat her candy.

     A smile played his lips as he neared, and with a sigh, he let his body sink into the chair opposite mine. My gaze lifted as I raised a brow.

"What is it?" I asked him. He took another deep breath.

"Do you remember," he asked softly. "After Luna died, you had that spiral."

"Yes," I recalled, not wanting to discuss the details of my spiral in front of Saphira. I'd been stuck in a cycle of drinking to numb myself. It had taken the first war to snap me out of it.

"Nesta is going through something similar," he explained. "Rhys and Feyre decided it'd be beneficial for her to move into the House of Wind. With Azriel and me. I'm going to train her, and she's going to work down here."

"She's working here?" I demanded. He nodded his confirmation.

"I don't want her here," Saphira piped up, her mouth full of chocolate.

"Be polite, Saphie," I scolded.

"She's not polite," Saphira grumbled. Cassian snorted, and I shot him a look.

"She needs this," he said to me. "I think it will be helpful."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

     Saphira was in her lessons when Nesta made her appearance. I was standing next to Clotho, who was seated at her desk.

     Nesta's condition had visibly deteriorated from nine months earlier when I had last visited her apartment. Her frame had become too thin, dark circles formed beneath her eyes, and her cheeks were hollow.

     Her eyes flickered between Clotho and me, lingering with a hint of shock on the disfigurement of Clotho's hands. I arched an eyebrow in silent query as her gaze returned to me.

     Without a word, Clotho reached for a parchment and began to inscribe her thoughts, the quill dancing swiftly across the paper.

You can begin today by shelving books on Level Three. Take the ramp behind me to reach it. There will be a cart with the books, which are organized alphabetically by author. If there is no author, set them aside and ask for help at the end of your shift.

"When is the end of my shift?" Nesta demanded.

     Using her wrists and the backs of her hands, Clotho pulled a small clock to herself. Pointed with a bulging knuckle to the six o'clock marker.


"Come on, Nesta," I sighed, having been tasked with showing her what to do.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," Nesta declined.

"I'll leave you alone once I help you find your way," I said to her.

     She let out a scoff, but trailed behind me as I guided her toward the descending ramp. Once we had put distance between ourselves and the other priestesses, I paused and pivoted to confront her.

"We've all been through a lot," I said to her. "And I know you have, too. So please—please try to be kind."

     Her eyes narrowed, yet the subtle shift in her expression revealed that my words had struck a chord.

"Especially to Saphira," I went on. "She deserves nothing but kindness."

     Though she remained silent, the knowing glint in her eyes told me that she understood. Nesta turned her attention to the task at hand, while I returned to the desk where Clotho was stationed.

     I huffed in frustration, and Clotho gave me a look that said, be patient with her.

"I know," I grumbled.

     She smiled and slid a stack of documents across to me. I took them, I settled into the desk opposite hers, ready to begin.

     Immersing myself in the paperwork became a welcome distraction from my thoughts. Counseling had taught me that distractions weren't always bad. For me, it was the paperwork helped me cope; for Saphira, it was her lessons.

     Hours later, Saphira bounded in, radiant with the fresh energy of a child finished with learning for the day. She leaped into my embrace, and without hesitation, I welcomed her into my arms.

"I started learning multiplication tables today," she announced. Merrill shushed her from the desk she was working at, causing Saphira to whisper an apology.

"That's wonderful, Saphie," I said quietly, smiling at her as she rested her head on my shoulder.

      Exhausted from her lessons, she would often find sanctuary in the warmth of my lap, dozing off while I navigated through the sea of paperwork. It didn't mind one bit.

      As she slumbered peacefully, Nesta returned to us, her day's work complete. Catching my eye, she sought silent confirmation, to which I responded with a knowing nod.

"I'm done for the day," Nesta announced.

     With a subtle motion, Clotho discreetly passed a note across the desk, its contents hidden from my view, followed by two additional slips of paper before Nesta took her leave.

"Nesta," I said. She froze, then turned to face me. "I'm sorry if I was harsh earlier."

      Her gaze shifted between me and the slumbering child cradled on my lap. Without a word, she simply pivoted and exited the library.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚎(𝙰𝙲𝙾𝚃𝙰𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now