𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖞-𝖙𝖜𝖔

293 15 2

I know the last chapter mostly focused on Eve, but I promise we're back on Astraea and Nesta in this one.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Gwyn was stressing over the work Merrill gave her, so I'd offered to help her since I was done with my paperwork for the day. Saphira was in her lessons, excited because she was learning cursive today.

"I understand that Merrill has been through a lot, but so have the rest of us," Gwyn was ranting. "And she's the only one who has to take it out on everyone else."

"I know," I nodded.

"It's not fair," she grumbled.

Before I could respond, a voice sounded from behind the corner.

"I said I'm not hungry," I heard Nesta saying from where she was working. "This is absolutely none of your business."

Gwyn and I exchanged a glance, both of us confused. We approached her carefully, being careful her.

"Who are you talking to?" Gwyn spoke up.

Nesta twisted around, stiffening when she saw us. "I wasn't talking to anyone."

"Are you finished for today?" I asked her, ready to report back to Clotho if she was.

"No. I was taking a break."

"You've only been working for an hour," I observed, frowning.

"I didn't realize anyone was timing me," she said unkindly.

"It's not every day we have someone new in our library," Gwyn said as she dumped the books she was carrying onto Nesta's cart. "These can be shelved."

"I don't answer to acolytes," Nesta scoffed.

"Careful how you speak to her, Nes," I defended Gwyn.

I found myself to be a bit protective of the young girl. I had counseled her myself. After everything she went through, and at such a young age, I couldn't let Nesta be unkind to her.

"You're here to work," Gwyn stated. "And not only for Clotho."

"You speak rather informally of your high priestess."

"Clotho does not enforce rank. She encourages us to use her name," Gwyn explained.

"And what is your name?" Nesta asked her.

"Gwyneth Berdara," she answered. "But most call me Gwyn."

Nesta glanced up, noticing Roslin and Deirdre on the level above us. I stared up at them, too, shooting them a look for snooping on us.

"That's Roslin and Deirdre," I explained. "Roslin and I have counselled the others here for centuries. Though, she's taken over for me in the last year. Now, she counsels me."

"How can you tell who they are?" Nesta asked. With their hoods on, they appeared nearly identical.

"Their scents," Gwyn said simply.

"Do you plan to shelve these, or do we need to take them elsewhere?" I asked as I glanced at the books Gwyn had set down.

"I'll do it," Nesta said. Her eyes softened when she turned to us, and her voice became more gentle. "I'll do it right now."

"We don't need your pity," Gwyn said sharply.

I felt her tone was a bit harsh, but I understood. I'd never appreciated pity, and I knew she didn't, either. It was why I shared my story with so few. I knew that Rhys had shared my story with Feyre, and I had shared only a bit with Nesta. But she didn't know the whole thing.

"It wasn't pity."

"I've been here for nearly two years, but I haven't become so disconnected from others that I can't tell when someone remembers why I am here and alters their behavior," Gwyn said. "I don't need to be coddled. Only spoken to like a person."

"I doubt you'll enjoy the way I speak to most people," Nesta said. I couldn't help but smile a bit at that. She wasn't wrong. Even Gwyn snorted.

"Try me."

"Get out of my sight. Both of you."

"Oh, you're good." Gwyn grinned as I laughed softly. "Really good."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Saphira was scribbling in her journal, all in nearly illegible cursive. But I didn't say anything; I just encouraged her to keep practicing.

I was reading a novel I had found, having searched the entire library for anything fictional. Entertaining.

Saphira's face lit up as she jumped out of her seat. I followed her gaze over to Cassian entering the library.

I put my book down with a sigh when I saw the irritable state he was in. Azriel and Evelina had come by and told me of the fight Cassian and Nesta had that morning. Cassian had told her that everyone hates her. I couldn't defend that. If someone had said that to me when I had been struggling . . .

"Hey, Saph," he sighed as she grinned up at him, holding her hand out expectedly. "Don't worry, I didn't forget." He took some candy from his pocket and placed it in her hand.

"Why don't you go to your room, sweetheart," I suggested, needing to speak with Cassian alone.

"Will you come tuck me in?" she asked.

"Of course I will," I promised with a slight smile.

She went off to her bedroom, bringing her candy and journal with her. I turned a harsh gaze back to Cassian.

"You are a prick," I informed him. "You told her that everybody hates her?"

"It wasn't my best moment," he acknowledged.

"No, it wasn't," I agreed. "She is struggling, Cass. She probably already feels that everyone hates her. That was cruel of you."

"She refuses to train in Illyria," he explained to me.

"Of course she's refusing!" I snapped at him. "You really don't understand what it's like to be a female in Windhaven. I certainly don't plan to go back there anytime soon. The males there are terrifying, and cruel, and they disregard and demean us. Yet you expect her to train in front of them? When all they'll do is laugh and leer at her?"

He was silent for a moment as he took in my words. His face fell with realization as he turned back to me, meeting my eyes.

"How did I not think of that?" he scoffed.

"Because you're a self-centered idiot."

"You sound like Eve," he scoffed. "She also chewed my ass for what I said to Nesta."

"You deserve it," I stated.

"I know I do," he admitted with a deep sigh. "I could start taking her to the training ring in the House."

"Yes, do that," I nodded, clenching my jaw as I glared at him. "But do tell me how it goes."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙿𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚎(𝙰𝙲𝙾𝚃𝙰𝚁)Where stories live. Discover now