The Frozen Heart Pirates

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The days went on and Inez was still on the small boat. She barely had any food left, she was on the verge of starvation. That was until a giant ship afloat. She slowly looked up, the sun blinding her eyes.


" WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! GET THE CHILD!" The captain yelled back.

Inez heard loud footsteps come aboard her small boat and lift her up. She was too weak to fight back, so she just let this person carry her into a strange ship.

" HEY CAPTAIN SHE'S INJURED PRETTY BAD!" The voice yelled out.



" Oh... Right. WELL BRING HER TOO ME!"

The man brought Inez to his captain and she examined her. " Bring her to my office."

The man nodded and followed his captain into the medical room.

" Hm, go get some soup and water for her, she's starving and dehydrated."

The man nodded and left.

" Can you hear me, love?" Asked the woman

Inez looked up and saw a large woman standing over her. Inez sat up and looked at her surroundings, Inez was confused and started to freak out. " W- where am I? Who are you?! Please don't hurt me!" Inez was freaking out.

" Hey, I'm gonna hurt you, I'm here to help. But I need you to calm down first. " The woman's voice was calm, it somewhat calmed down Inez. " I need you to lay down please darling."

Inez listened to her and laid down. " Good, now do you know where you're hurt?"

Inez shook her head no.

The woman lifted up Inez's shirt halfway to reveal several bruises. It appears she has a giant gash on her arm as well. Other than that she seemed okay.

The woman tended to her wounds and helped feed Inez.

" Could you tell me your name?" Asked the woman

" I'm Inez." She replied.

" Alright Inez, I'm captain Aurora. But you can just call me Aurora." Aurora smiled at the small child which made Inez smile as well.

Once Inez was back in good health everything seemed to be going okay for once. Inez got really close to Aurora and the rest of the crew. It had been a couple of months since her mother's passing and she still struggled, but Aurora helped Inez.

The whole crew knew about Inez's past and who her mother was, they didn't care, they still loved her.

" Hey Aurora!" Inez called out.

" Yes my dear?" She responded.

" I want you to teach me how to fight!" Said little Inez, she was very determined to become one of the best pirates ever.

" Haha, is that so? Well, come now we have much to learn!"

Inez happily followed Aurora, for months Aurora had taught Inez how to properly fight. Aurora taught Inez how to use a sword, guns and her body. She would have Inez go up against her crew mates, weakest to strongest. And Inez beat all of them, one by one.

Aurora was proud of her, of how far she's came. From being a terrified little girl to now, though she may only be seven she sure doesn't act like it.

After the incident with her mother she was never a kid again.

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