Chapter XV, 6th World, Part 2

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Disclaimer: Percy Jackson belongs to Rick Riordan, as well as any other element of any other work, creation that appears, credits to whom it corresponds.


This reaction fanfic (watching), is about Percy Jackson in other worlds, taking the place of characters from other franchises, movies, games, etc.

If you don't like it, I have another Percy Jackson reaction fanfic seeing other characters from other media, without changing them, such as: Justice League, Avengers, Team Avatar, etc.




The parts referring to what is 'projecting':

What is said in the projection or if it refers to a fic, which you have permission to use.

What PJ's Characters Are Seeing and Hearing

To differentiate future characters from their past/present counterparts, I will add the letter F to the end of their first or last names, or use P to differentiate the past/present from those in the future


Seeing this Perseus being so stealthy, caused a great surprise to the Greco-Romans coming from the future, his friend was very rarely discreet or furtive, so the surprise was obvious in the public because of it, but it was also because for several the serious and serious tone of the son of the sea gave them a bad feeling, although in certain women it gave them a different feeling

As soon as Percy felt a chill and fear again, without he didn't know the reason for it.

"First you took the job, second you came light a four-man crew for me, fuckickness insulting"

Several thought that Perseus was being arrogant, but then remembered how he eliminated the rest of the crew, so they stopped thinking about it, although the huntresses were the ones who took the longest to accept it

But the younger versions of Chris and Alabaster were a little upset about what happened to their counterparts, so they took longer than the hunters, however the Chris of the future didn't say anything, he already knew what Percy was capable of at 16, although very different from the one they were seeing.

"But the worst mistake you made..."


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