Chapter 8

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Jin:Argh!!,I can't with this anymore*breathing heavily*I just wanna end this*pointing his gun to the last enemy*Die mother fucker!.

Jin shot the man and looked arond to see if anyone more of their enemies were coming.He sighed in relief after he noticed everywhere was now quiet.He sat on the ground and looked to left to see blood everywhere,he sighed and chuckled at the sight and he stood back up with blood around his body and drove home.

At home
After a while Jin was back,everyone was sleeping cause it was already late.Jin moved upstairs to his room,he walked in and saw a very angry Moon there.

Moon:Where were u*Cold*

Jin flinched after he heard her voice,He was about to say something but stopped when he noticed Moon was hugging
Jin:What are u doing*Hugging her back*

Moon:Why are u covered in blood Jin,where were u,i was so worried i couldn't even Sleep*Breaking apart*

Jin:I was driving home and i kind of got into a situation with some thugs,am sorry

Moon:Don't say sorry,it's alright am just glad your fine

She smiled at him and put her hands on his chest which made him flinch.She started unbutton his shirt and Jin got scared.

Jin:Moon what are u doing.*Blushing but scared*

Moon:Isn't it obvious,am taking off your bloody clothes so u can have a shower.

Jin:Ohh Ok.

Moon:Wait..what did u think i was doing.

Jin:Um nothing


At 6:00 am in Tae's room
Tae was sleeping peacefully like baby,he was sleeping gently and quietly,when he got a phone call,he groaned and turned it off,but it kept on ringing.

5 minutes had passed and Tae's phone was still ringing,he got tired and finally picked up his phone.When he looked at the caller ID he literally cursed under his breath.

Tae picked the call.

Tae:Woman,what heck do u want!!

Tzuyu:To tell u good morning,duh

Tae:At this hour,can't u at least wait till 7:00 ,huh

Tzuyu:Nope*Giggling over the phone*

Tae:Your still the same as ever,Miss choi

Tzuyu:Same to u Mr Kim

Tae:Bye baka


Tae cut call and sighed,he smiled a little and decided to get up from his bed.

After Tae was done with his usual routine,he walked around the hall and stopped at Jk's room,he peeked into his room and saw Jk sleeping like a kid.Tae shook his head.

Tae:*in his mind*This kook will never sleep like man,neither act like one.

Hobi:What are u doing*Yawns*Here*Rubbing his eyes*

Tae:Morning hyung,i was just checking on Jk

Hobi:Morning to u too,But u never wake up this early especially on a Saturday*in Disbelief*

Tae:Well a certain chicken woke me up*Annoyed*


Before Tae could answer  him he heard loud laughing,he looked at hobi and hobi smiled.

Hobi:I guess they're awake*Laughing silently*

Tae:Yeah,I'll go and check up on them*walking towards his little babies room*

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