Chapter 16

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Continue from the last part

The boys continued to stand there,they didn't know what do,they were at a loss for words.They wanted to say something but they couldn't.

But thankfully Tae and Tzuyu showed up to finally break this silence.

From out the office(College campus)
Tae had just parked his car at the parking lot.He walked out of his car and tzuyu did the same.

Tae:That's jk's motorcycle right there*Pointing at Jk's motorcycle*

Tzuyu:Wow,its so pretty,but look at Mina's over there*Pointing to the left*

Tae:Wow,u let her have a motorcycle

Tzuyu:Yeah,she is old enough

Tae and Tzuyu kept chatting.They continued to talk but stopped when they saw Priya running into the parking lot with tears in eyes.

Tzuyu tried to stop her but Priya didn't budge,she ran into a taxi and car sped off.The two were confused as heck and obviously thought something was wrong so they stop chit chatting and started walking faster.

When they reached,Namjoon's office they opened the door and saw hobi sitting on the ground crying and saw 4 helpless boys looking shocked at hobi.

Tae:What's going on here*Facing the boys*

Tzuyu:Hobi oppa,are u okay Why are u crying*Facing hobi and trying to comfort him*

Tae:U boys,should talk now.What happened here*Cold*

The boys started stammering,it wasn't their fault but they were still scared of Tae


Bangchan:Came here to um-um-um-um

Tae looked at jungkook but jk was lost in thought,so he looked at his friends and motioned for them to follow him outside.

While Tzuyu stayed with hobi.She tried to calm him down but he was crying badly.She didn't want to ask of what happened just yet,so all her focuse was on calming hobi.

Priya's pov
Priya just got down from her taxi.She was walking towards a store.Her hands were still shivering.

She knew her parents committed suicide but didn't know it was about her.Was she the reason for everything that went wrong in her family life.

She kept on talking to herself without noticing she wasn't moving towards the store except into an alleyway.After a while she noticed she was in alleyway.

Priya:Ugh,what kind of day is this.First of all my boyfriend forgot my birthday,second i fought with him,third i found out about why my parents committed suicide and now am stuck in an alleyway*Angry*

Priya looked down a bit and sighed while closing her eyes.She opened it slightly after noticing some presence around her.She looked around but didn't see anyone which was weird,she turned to face her back.

When suddenly,she heard a loud bang noise,she looked to left and saw a man in black,she looked to her right and saw the same thing.

Her head started spinning,it was hurting badly.She tired to move but her body didn't respond to her.She started to loose balance.

Guard 1:Grab her!
Guard 2:Sure,now u get the car.

She was listening to what the men were saying but it started to sound weird.She looked around a bit and her vision began to blur.

Priya:I.You.To.Help.Him. Please*Talking quietly*

After she said that statement he vision darkened totally,she was now unconscious.

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