☆彡 Chapter 1 ミ☆

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1st person

Tears streamed down your cheeks as you tried to grapple your way through the angels holding you back, your arms extended. You helplessly tried to push through, only to be held back by the other angels with an even larger force.
"Lucifer! Please don't go! I-I- I'll do something to get you back just please-!" Y/n sobbed as the short ang- fallen angel was getting thrown over the edge, every muscle in Y/n told her to look away and try and forget about it all, but her eyes disagreed. Her e/c eyes met Lucifer's with a pleading glimmer.

"Y/n.. it was for the best." Sera's voice spoke behind her, trying to make the h/c haired girl forget about what just happened.
"For the best? This is for the best?" Y/n raged, clenching her fists as the mess of a Seraphim turned around to look at Sera.
"Save it. Leave me alone." Y/n's voice cracked as she flew past Sera, back to her home, weariness tugging at her features and drooping her golden-blue wings.


You leaned against the door, as tears — once again — found their way to your face. You let out choked sobs and whimpers, not caring if the whole of heaven was watching. Your best friend — the only one you trusted got thrown out of heaven. Why? Why? Why! Why him? You buried your face in your hands, your fingers gripping tightly, causing your knuckles to turn white in doing so from how hard you were pressing down. Everything made no sense, if heaven was so good and free, then why throw people out when they do one mistake? What's the point? You would never forgive Sera or anyone else for this, they had no right to do that.
As you threw curses and insults at everything, your mind raced and your vision blurred as you tripped over something. Your head started ringing and your eyes drooped, threatening to leave you in overwhelming darkness.

Everything faded as Y/n passed out on the floor, her big, blue-and-gold wings securing her from danger and her thoughts. Her responsibilities weighed down on her like a black hole, trying to suck out all the small remainders of happiness. That day, Y/n — the usually happy and innocent Seraphim — became cold and cruel, not seeing the spark of light in all the darkness.

3rd person

Y/n was working, her eyes scanning the paragraph. She signed her signature at the bottom, moving on the the next paper. As she started reading the text, there was a knock on her window. Y/n whipped her head around, spotting a Cherub outside. She stretched her blueish wings out and stood up, her heels clicking as she walked over to the window. The Seraphim opened it and gestured for the small Cherub to speak.

"Miss Y/n, Sera wants you at the gates of heaven." It stated before flying away immediately.
Some angels were afraid of her, as she had shown her powers more than once to multiple angels. She liked how people respected her and how they looked at her. Y/n, focus. Your voice rang out in your head as you gathered your things, slipped your heels on and flew to the gates of heaven.
As she soared through the sky, her mind couldn't stop wandering to Lucifer. Where is he now? I hope he's doing well. She thought to herself. As Y/n lowered herself to the ground, she shook her wings and tucked them behind her back. The Seraphim noticed that there were a lot of important angels gathered around the gates of heaven.
The crowd slightly parted at her arrival as she made her way to Sera.

"Sera?" Y/n asked, her voice laced with a tinge of coldness. "What is going on?"
"Y/n, you're here. Adam is dying." Sera answered the other Seraphim, slightly dipping her head.
"And why does that have anything to do with me?" Y/n raised a brow. I have no time for this, I heard he's a dick anyway. Y/n thought to herself as she put a hand on her hip.
"Because you're going to show him around heaven." The other Seraphim sternly answered. Y/n stared at her, shock rippling through her.
"Why me? Why not get Emily to do it? She seems happier than me about this.. Aden —.. whatever his name was — guy." Y/n pointed to the young Seraphim, who was squealing and jumping slightly from excitement.
"Because I said so." Sera ordered.
"'Because I said so'." Y/n mimicked the Seraphim with a high-pitched voice as she threw her hands up. "I have no time for this." She groaned as she walked away, leaving an annoyed Sera. The truth is, she only chose Y/n because the two had a similar attitude, so Y/n would probably deal with it best. At least that's what she thinks.

1st person

I groaned as I opened my eyes, hearing excited mumbles of distant voices. Where am I? As I flickered my eyelids open, a bright light seemed to almost blind me as I squinted. My golden eyes finally adjusted to my surroundings to reveal a bright landscape with a bunch of weird looking humanoid creatures looking at me with awe.

"What the fuck?" My eyes widened as I took in my landscape. "Where am I?"
A weird ass looking perso-.. I don't even know what it was — stepped in front of the others. It looked like, a girl. She was much taller than Lilith and Eve, even than me. Unfair.

"Fear not, Adam. You are in heaven." The gentle but stern voice of the woman-looking creature came to him.
"What the fuck is happening?" I blinked as I looked at my surroundings. As I looked back at the woman, I realised she had held out her hand for me. I slapped it away.
"I can stand up by myself." 'Bitch' I wanted to add that on but stopped myself. As I was stood up, the woman-like creature spoke.
"Adam. You are dead." The.. thing started. "I am Sera, the head Seraphim of heaven.." as ..Sera introduced me to some other Seraph- Ser- Seraphim Angel-thingys, I felt something sticking out my back. I turned my head around and almost screamed. I have fucking wings? I'm not a bird!... not complaining though..

3rd person

Y/n gave him a tour of heaven and showed Adam his home, annoyed and tired of everything. She didn't even think of hiding her snarkiness, there was no point.

"I'll se 'ya 'round heaven, Sugar Tits." Adam said as I got prepared to fly away.
"Can you stop fucking calling me that?" I scowled.
"N-" before Adam could finish, you flew off. "Oh.. fuck you!" He jokingly shouted back to her — just to get on her nerves — but it didn't work as she didn't hear it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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ミ☆ ᖴᗩᒪᒪᗴᑎ STᗩᖇ ☆彡 // Hazbin Hotel x Fallen Angel!readerWhere stories live. Discover now