personal office

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"Hi there Leah, you alright?" I smiled at Leah as we now stood in front of each other. "Yeah, are you all settled yet?" she asked unsure. "Yeah I am, is something wrong?" Leah seemed nervous. Like something was actually wrong but there wasn't? You get it? "Could you just maybe take a look at my head? I've took a small knock in training this morning and it feels like I see a small black dot now." didn't expect that to be honest. "Yeah course Leah, don't worry. Just stop by anytime okay? Need to bring these crutches back to Beth though, so i'll be free in 10 minutes." I said and smiled at Leah. "yeah thanks i'll be there soon." Leah continued walking, passing me and giving me a look over her shoulder.

"Here you go big girl, really Beth, use them." I now said seriously. I didn't want her injury to get worse as I know how fucked up she finds this. "Yeahyeah now can I leave?" She asked a bit annoyed. I gave her a sign she could leave and gone she was. I did some work on my computer when Leah peeked her head through the door of my office. "Hi Leah come in." Leah sat down on the table swinging her legs. "okay so you've said you thought you saw a little black dot in your eye, am I right?" I asked Leah. "Yeah yeah all right."

I grabbed a small light to look in Leah's eyes. "you've got beautiful eyes Leah, did you know that?" Leah's eyes were bright. I saw a little twinkle in it when I started talking to her. Leah laughed at my comment blushing a little bit. I think she didn't know I noticed. "Nothing weird to be seen Leah, both eyes are clean. Are you sure it wasn't dirt?" I asked finding it weird I couldn't see anything. "Yeah could be possible, I don't see it anymore now so I guess it's gone then" she laughed.

"I think we should give you a welcome 'party'." Oh hell nah this ain't happening. "eh, who's we Leah?" I asked now very shy. Don't get me wrong, at work, I will work with everyone who needs help even though I don't know them, but outside of work I can be a shy one. Don't ask me how because there isn't a difference but it's just my thoughts. "the girls in our team. We could do at Beth and Viv's i'm sure. I'll ask them" gosh this is gonna end terribly wrong. Leah soon messaged everyone and the 'welcome party' was happening.

"okay, done. The girls would love a welcome party." With Leah now being a bit too comfortable in my office laying on her back scanning every photo and every little detail in my office.

"what you looking at beautiful" Leah and my eyes found eachother and Leah's face has gone red.
"you know, your office is so... personal. I feel like I know so well by just looking at those pictures"

"Yeah I like to surround myself with memories and things that keep me going, especially on long workdays." My face started glowing, my personal life was so peaceful, it was definitely not a perfect life, i've got quite some drama with Anna, my (ex) girlfriend. I'm not sure what our situation is right now because Anna and I never said the words 'we're over' or 'I want to break up with you' to each other and Anna wants to see me every other day. She's good for me, she takes care of me and ofcourse she loves me, and i'd do the same for her but I'm not sure if I'm IN love with her anymore.

"It's definitely working. I can't help it but I keep scanning every photo in here. Is that you hiking?" Leah pointed at a picture of me and Anna together in the Pyrenees.

"Yep, that was an incredible trip, we felt like we were on top of the world" Thinking back, I actually think that trip was the worse, but also far out the best trip. It was so hot there, almost 40 degrees and we had to walk and climb every day and because we weren't used to the warm temperatures, we both got sick in the first week. We were overheated, damn. I hate being sick though just don't get me to that point ever again. But after we've settled with the hot temperatures we did the most amazing things.

"And this one, with the group on the beach, looks like you were having fun there"
"Oh yeah that was a wild weekend, good times." I love every single one of my friends. They're the best.

"You've got quite a collection here. It's like every photo tells a story.
"That's exactly it. Each one holds a special memory or moment. It's nice to have them around, especially on tough days." I smiled at Leah
"Well, it's definitely making me want to get to know the person behind these stories even more" Leah winked at me. What did she just say? I think I heard it right, but not now with the situation Anna and I are in. Leah is hot. Very hot. But she's my 'colleague' and I have to be serious in my job.

"Okay Leah, i've got some things to do alright?" This situation caught me off guard. I liked it, I liked her words but it made me think about Anna and I don't need to do that.
"You can always stop by when you need someone to talk to or when you feel pain okay? Just come whenever you want." Come on Sophie, she's not else then Beth, why do you have to make these convos so akward.

"Yeah thanks, oh by the way. Do you even know Viv and Beth's address?" Leah said with a laugh. "No actually I don't" This was so dumb. Well at least I had a reason not to come.

"Give me your number i'll text you a time and i'll come pick you up." Leah gave me her phone. "O and don't forget to send ur address too" I put my number in Leah's phone and we waved our goodbyes. I had to do some extra work, like making Beth's correct scheme this time and printing it out for tomorrow. And I had to make sure I've got all the first aid things in stock, + some of the silly medicine like ibuprofen and paracetamol.


words counter: 1124
3rd chapterrrrr

okay so tbf I don't even know what to think about this chapter. I realized writing is harder than it looks sometimes. I do hope my writing skills will improve throughout the book and if you have tips just leave them in the comments

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