Movie night comfort

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Sophie baby, why did you leave? I just woke up alone, I feel so sad, I want to hear your voice again

Call me please Sophie, I miss you.

wtf. I thought I was clear in my choice last night. Okay, I may not have said that I never want to speak to Anna again, but after a breakup you don't speak to each other immediately... Or do you?

I decided to call Anna one last time..

"Hello, Anna?"
"Sophie, please." Anna cried."Anna, no. We discussed this last night. I left. Those are your words Anna. I don't feel like doing this again, I'm working.'' I said as I got up from my chair and walked back and forth around my office.
''Sophie, I'm sorry, we are made for each other, you have to come back. This was all a mistake. You love me Sophie. This didn't go right, we should have seen each other more often, we should have spoken to each other every day, we should have made more effort for each other."
"Anna, we're done. My choice is made, I don't love you anymore like I used to. I can't give you what you want. You really have to try to get over me Anna, I know it's hard, but distance is step 1. Don't text or call me anymore Anna, okay?''
All I heard was sobbing.
"Fine." And she hung up.
Great, no bye or anything.

Anna and I didn't have to end on bad terms, but I just didn't want her to text me anymore.

It was a short conversation. Luckily, because I didn't want to talk to her anymore. My whole morning was ruined because of her, and now she texted me again. I decided to finish some little things on my computer and when I was done I looked out my window to see the girls having training. About 5 minutes later I saw Leah looking my way, not creepy at all. Our eyes met and I saw her smile awkwardly. Like she had just been caught doing something.

I grabbed some lunch out of the cafeteria and sat down with the other staff. Bits by bits, the girls came walking inside to also eat some lunch. I was faced towards the door, so I could spy everyone who walked in.

As most of the girls were here, Leah wasn't. She's always one of the last to arrive, so it didn't surprise me. 7 minutes later, while everyone had already started eating, Leah and Beth walked in.

We locked eyes as I sent her a smile. Leah sat down quite close to where I sat and I could hear her laugh so now and then. I loved her laugh.

I had some nice work related, but also free time related chats with the other staff and I felt way better than this morning.

After sitting and chatting for 30 minutes, I was told my day was over already, the girls had gym work today in the afternoon so it would be all chill and they didn't need me anymore.

My first match as physio was the day after tomorrow. I was a bit nervous because the girls will play in a sold out emirates, unreal. Aston Villa's stadium wasn't that spectacular. It was small and the fans weren't always super exiting.

I was actually very happy I was done for today. I was still so tired and I still had the movie night at Leah's house tonight so I decided it was better that I went home and try to sleep for a bit.

I grabbed my stuff and put my presence on absent.
As I was almost at the exit I heard someone talking behind me.

"Where are you going this early? Are you done already?" A sweet voice asked me.

I turned around. "Hey Le, yeah i'm done so I decided to already go home." Mostly when i'm done I stay for a bit longer to watch the girls train or to chat with Jonas or the girls or the other staff, but as I said, I was so tired, I couldn't today.

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