My final decision.

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It was half past four and I decided to get ready to go home. I had no more work to do and the girls didn't need me anymore today. I walked past Beth to ask her how the training went and she was very positive. She felt mild irritation, but no pain.

I cleaned up my office, threw away some loose tape that had gotten lost on the floor and then made my way to the exit.

I didn't have to drive long. I had a house near Birmingham with Anna, but also my own house in London.

It was a 24 minute drive and on the way I got some breakfast for tomorrow.

I arrived and plopped down on the couch. I took a very short power nap and then had to get ready to pick up Anna. Anna is currently staying just outside London for work, so the drive to her hotel was not very far.

I felt nervous along the way. I felt that it was going to be the right choice, but my heart was still struggling.

26 minutes later I arrived and picked Anna up. We drove and chatted on the way to the restaurant I had chosen. Our conversations weren't awkward. We talked about work, whether we are busy, about friends, vacations, everything.

After eating our starter and main course we were waiting for our dessert.

"Ann, I have something to say," I started.
"Okay Baby what's up?" she asked me so sweetly, not knowing that I would soon break her heart. "Ann, I don't think we can go on like this."

"Ann, I love you so much and this is incredibly difficult, but after what happened we are not the same anymore. We have arguments over the smallest things, we don't see each other often anymore and we don't even live together anymore. I I don't think I want to continue like this. Sorry. I want to break up." That's out. I feel so bad. I just feel like all my delicious food is coming out.

Anna was silent.

"Ann please say something?" I begged her."I don't want to break down here Sophie, I can't talk." she said with tears forming in her eyes.

"Shall we quickly eat our dessert and then drive to your hotel to talk there?" Anna nodded. I'm sure if we went to my house Anna would stay the night and I definitely didn't want that.

Anna and I got our dessert shortly afterwards and we both ate it in silence.

I asked for the bill and paid for the food.

I nodded my head towards the exit to signal to Anna that we were going. Anna came and we walked to our cars down the street.

When we arrived at our cars, Anna broke down. "shhh, Ann, please, shh, we'll talk at home okay?" I hugged Anna and she nodded.

Anna and I drove home in complete silence. Luckily it was only a 7 minute drive. The only sound coming from the car was a soft sob from Anna every now and then and the radio playing.

We arrived at Anna's hotel and I followed her to her room.

We were sitting on the couch when Anna finally spoke, tears falling down between all the sobs. "Sophie, please" she begged.

"Anna.." I looked at the ground listening to Anna's sobs, hearing her sobs didn't make things easier, but I had to stay strong, this was my choice.

"why Sophie" she cried.

"Anna, you really need to calm down before we can talk, okay? This isn't going to work like this." I said to Anna and gave her a hug until she calmed down.

"Sophie, I don't get it. We were so good, we talked everything out, we decided to try again, and now you're breaking up with me."

"Look at us Anna. This is not a healthy relationship. In a relationship you love each other, you want the best for each other, you want to see each other as often as possible. I don't feel that with us. You live in Birmingham and I live in London. We hardly see each other and we don't even text every day anymore."

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