A question

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Leah's POV

When I woke up I felt the warm glow of Sophie's body still peacefully lying next to me. Her breathing steady. She fell asleep on the couch yesterday, completely exhausted from work. I already saw it when she arrived; her posture, the heavy hug she gave me and especially her somewhat shorter answers. I can't blame her, she's working her butt off.

I stayed in bed for half an hour; listened to Sophie's breathing. Training didn't start until 1am, and Sophie didn't have to be there earlier today either.

After that half hour of waiting I decided to go downstairs to make us a nice breakfast. I still had baked rolls in the freezer and cooked some egg with bacon. The wonderful smell of the food flew through the living room and kitchen.

I set the table and filled our glasses with some fresh orange juice. And not 2 minutes after I was done I heard the upstairs bathroom door open, meaning Sophie was awake.

A moment later, Sophie came walking down the stairs with a smile. "Morning beautiful" I smiled at Sophie, who looked much better than how she arrived here yesterday. "Morning Le" she said as she walked into the kitchen and gave me a kiss

"smells good" she said. I almost felt myself getting emotional. Doesn't make any sense, but I was so happy with this image; Sophie standing here in my, hopefully our soon, kitchen with my clothes on kissing me goodmorning..

I think Sophie and I both felt that this was right, but neither of us dared to take the next step.In the meantime of my thoughts, Sophie had come up to me and put her arms around me. "Shall we sit down" she giggled.

Sophie's POV

I woke up alone in Leah's bed. The cold feeling next to me made me a bit said, until I heard Leah busy in the kitchen. The smell of breakfast greeted me as I made my way downstairs. Leah stood in the kitchen, her face lighting up when she saw me. "Morning, beautiful" she said with a smile that made my heart flutter.

"Morning, Le" I replied, leaning in for a kiss. I felt a warmth spread through me, a sense of home that I rarely felt anywhere else."Smells good" I commented, glancing at the neatly set table. Fresh rolls, eggs, bacon, and orange juice. Leah had outdone herself. She looked almost emotional for a moment.

Leah wrapped her arms around me, and I leaned into her embrace. "Shall we sit down?" I giggled, breaking the spell of the moment.

We sat across from each other, and as we ate, we chatted about our plans for the day. It felt like a stolen moment of normalcy in our otherwise hectic lives. I savored every bite, not just because the food was delicious, but because of the company.

"Thank you for this" I said, looking into Leah's eyes. "I needed it." Leah reached across the table and squeezed my hand. "Me too."

After breakfast, I realized I had left my work clothes at home. "I need to swing by my place to grab my uniform before heading to the training ground" I said, glancing at the clock. We had a bit of time, but I didn't want to be late.

"No problem" Leah said, standing up. "I'll drive us. It'll give us a bit more time together." I smiled, grateful for her thoughtfulness. "Sounds perfect."

Leah's POV

Driving Sophie to her place was a small thing, but it felt significant. Every extra minute together was precious, especially with our busy schedules. As we pulled up to her apartment, where I've never really stayed at, I don't know why, I glanced at her and she unbuckled her seatbelt."I'll be quick" Sophie said, hopping out of the car and heading inside. I waited, the car idling softly. My mind drifted to the training session later. We had a big match against Liverpool tomorrow, and everyone was on edge. The pressure was mounting, and I knew we needed to be at our best.

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