Chapter 5

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"Guys hurry up," Ash waved us over to the door. Everyone else had gone inside but the three of us so I took Calums hand and ran inside, earning us a few looks.

"Damn it's cold in here." Michael hugged his denim jacket closer to him.

"Just be glad you have a jacket." Johanna shivered in her short sleeves. Chloe embraced her in a hug and they both giggled.

"Here take your flashlights and some candles just incase the battery runs out, I didn't bother to change them." Aiden opened up his bag and passed around yellow flashlights and a few candles.

"Whatever you do don't split up," He finished up closing his bag.

"Yeah, don't try to sneak around to makeout." Chloe said, an indirect to me and Calum to which I just rolled my eyes.

Luke elbowed me and pointed to the door behind us.

"Picture worthy?" He asked

I looked at the door, the white paint chipped and a few cracks here and there. I took my sharpie and drew a cross on the door.

"What the heck is that for?" Cal asked.

"Keep us safe I guess, and now it looks picture worthy," I took my sharpie and drew a cross on the back of my hand.

"Here give me your hand." I took his hand and drew a cross on it.

"Anyone else?"

"I'll pass, I don't believe in that stuff." Chloe said.

"Fuck you Im not taking chances." Michael grabbed the sharpie from my hands and drew a cross on his, then passed it around. I flipped out my phone and took a quick picture of the door, then I noticed there wasn't any service.

"Guess no ones gonna call us in here." I said and put back my phone in my back pocket.

"Here," Luke handed my sharpie back and I pinned it on my shirt collar.

"Where do we start? This place is bigger than it looks." Ash asked.

"The kitchen," Johanna said.


She shrugged,"I wanna see what's in their fridge."

I laughed,"Okay lead the way."

She smiled and headed forward, past the living room and dining room. Everything had that creepy and vintage look to them. How old was this house? In the dining room there was fine china placed neatly inside a cupboard, the table was set up nicely but dust covered the plates. The living room had one of those old small t.v.'s with the antennas, old couches untouched for years probably, and a fireplace with old burnt wood. In the middle of the room was a table with a single candle unlit.

"This kitchen is huge," Luke said interrupting my thoughts.

The kitchen was huge. Too big to be a regular kitchen.

"Dang, three fridges?"

"Probably to feed all their insane patients," Calum added.

"Shut up," I smacked him playfully, but for real I was scared.

"Lets see what's inside them," Johanna grabbed the handle of the first fridge and opened it.

"Nothing, I should've known. The light still works," She said.

"We still have two more. I'll open the second one," Ashton volunteered. He went up and opened the second fridge which to my surprise, held nothing.

"Kota should open the last one," Chloe said. What the hell was wrong with her?

"What? Why me?" I asked, my hand gripping tighter on Cal.

"It was your idea, why not have some fun." She smirked.

I sighed and hesitantly went up to the last unopened fridge. I gripped the black handle and forced myself to hold on, then I opened it up and before I could look inside something jumped out and I screamed.

"Relax Kota, it was just a rat," Luke laughed, but I was hyperventilating and it took me a while to calm down.

"I hate rats." I grumbled and closed the fridge door.

"What the fuck is that?" Michael said pointing to the fridge. I took my flashlight and put it where he was pointing. There written in red and dripping was the name


"I don't remember that there." Chloe said.

"Guys this isn't funny, who wrote that?" Aiden asked, I could tell he was scared by the way his hands were slightly trembling. I felt the same, every fiber in my body told me that I shouldn't be here and that something bad was gonna happen.

"It wasn't me," they all said. After a moment of silence I decided to break in.

"Come on lets get out of here."

And suddenly a crash came from the dining room and I looked over to Calum confused. We made our way slowly to the dining room and once we were there Johanna gasped.

"What the fuck happened." She asked.

The cupboard I saw a few minutes ago was toppled over, the fine china all crushed and the glass from the cupboard was spread around it. No one else was here, no one else should be here. It was just us and I know we didn't do that. Calum grabbed my hand and I held on tight.

"Im scared." I whispered to him.

Just then the table started to shake and the plates on it started falling and breaking. Everyone screamed and I looked over to the window and there it was again.



Sorry i havent updated I had a writers block but yeah crazy things are happening ;)

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