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You and Jabari were attending a masquerade, the event being held by his father, Marquess Ashraf. You wore a black bunny theme costume and Jabari, a white fox theme. The amber eyed male had his hair in a loose low-rise braid over his shoulder, his bangs hanging over the ears of his mask in a flattering way, small accessories in his hair. You came in together, arms linked, but later on got separated when others started conversation with the orange haired male, leaving you to socialize all by yourself.

You were a little upset your lover practically abandoned you but you knew it wasn't his fault, and it couldn't be helped that he was so popular. You sighed to yourself, disappointed and bored as you were by the food bar, sipping on wine and standing off to the side while everyone else mingled. You were swirling your alcoholic beverage lazily in hand, you heard clicking of shoes but ignored it until the sound came or an abrupt stop right beside you. You looked over and saw a man in a peacock mask that only covered half his face, colorful feathers at the sides.

You looked him up and down, waiting for him to speak, he grinned at your acknowledgment of him. "Did you come with a date?", the stranger said, you were about to say 'yes' but you then got a sense someone was staring at you. You immediately looked in the other direction, noticing Jabari staring both you and the masked man next to you down. An idea popped into your head. You turned your head back to the peacock masked man, taking a step closer, leaning in with a coy smile.

"No, I came all alone. Would you care to be accompany me? I'm so lonely.", you asked softly, tilting your head as you whispered the request. The man's grin widened as the tips of his ears flushed a bright red. He leaned in closer towards you, "How could I say no to such a pretty thing.", he murmured back to you, before reaching a hand out to touch you, thinking he was gonna get lucky. Before he could, a sudden grip on your wrist yanked you back and a small yelp escaped your lips.

Thankfully, the only ones who heard your squawk were the masked man in front of you and the one who pulled you away. You looked back only to recognize a certain white fox mask and Jabari's bright, apricot orange braid over his shoulder. You couldn't see his whole face because of the mask, but you saw his eyes through the eye holes. He was pissed. He yanked you back into his arms, wrapping them around your waist and staring absolute daggers into the other man.

The stranger looked both you and Jabari up and down, his mouth agape with a mix of shock and fright in his eyes. "Ah-y-you're Lord Ashraf's date? Um-m-my apologies my lord, I didn't know he was with you.", he sputtered as he quickly made an exit, trying to get away from the both of you as quick as possible. He probably realized who you and Jabari were, I mean—your lovers hair and height were quite memorable. You smirked at your plan working, but you faked an annoyed huff, removing yourself from the young Lord's arms.

"Why'd you have to chase him away? I wanted to have some fun...", you crossed your arms over your chest and rolled your eyes in a forged, annoyed manner. You heard a deep, curt chuckle rumble through the long haired males chest as he looked down at you, "Oh, you want to have some fun? We'll have some fun, alright.", 'Oh shit.', you recognized that tone, and you also recognized that you were totally screwed. Both figuratively and physically.

You couldn't help but inwardly giggle, feeling cocky, getting excited at what would come next. A wide grin formed on your face when the ginger grabbed you by your wrists once more and dragged you through and around the crowd of masked people. You finally made it to a secluded, dark room, as soon as you entered Jabari shoved you against a wall, a grunt forcing itself out of your mouth as you were barley able to catch yourself with your hands.

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