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I deadass had to research SPECIFIC shark mating for this shit. I HAD TO STARE AND OBSERVE SHARK DICK PICS ON THE INTERNET. I swear I'm not a zoophile, I just had to do research for this shit</3

Get ready for two dicks that won't even actually be used!! Sigh, the things I do for y'all...(it's also kinda for me tho
< 3)


"Inu? What are you doing?", you asked the dark haired male who was currently going through your phone. You saw that he quickly swiped a screen off, turning his head. Though his clearing of the phone was quick, his facial expression was unfazed. You trusted the ravenette not to do anything suspicious or something of the sort with your phone, especially not with your phone.

But he had been acting odd latley.

He was constantly online. After a few months of living with you, you decided it would be best to get him a phone. So you could stay in contact with him, he could explore pop culture and such. He did so, though you had to teach him how to use a phone properly here and there. But latley he has been glued to the mobile device.

You never gave it much thought, but you were starting to worry. The nanaue simply handed you back your phone, and exited the room, leaving you to confusion and curiosity.


It was four days after you caught Inu on your phone, and you had honestly forgotten about the whole situation. It was sundown, the dim natural light was shining through the window blinds. You were chilling on your bed, scrolling through social media, pretty bored from the content, nothing really calling out to you.

You whipped your head towards the door once it creaked open, seeing Inu step in with a medium sized box in hand.

You arched a brow, "What's that?", you put your phone down and sat up. "Just something I want to try.", he spoke as he came up, he bent down and slid the box under the bed. You peeked your head over the edge where he was, watching him, intrigued. "Well...what is it?", you repeated the question with more words as he looked up at you.

"If I tell you, we'll have to try it now.", you for a weird feeling at the end of his sentence. 'What is that supposed to mean?'

"Okay! Let's try it now then!"

Your eyes were as wide as saucers, your jaw going slack in the most dramatic way possible. Inu had taken the box from under the bed, and carelessly turned it upside down in the air to let all of the contents inside to plummet onto the bed. The items faintly bounced up and down on the mattress, the sheets below wrinkling at the fluttering pressure.

Inu's face held an unbothered smile as he watched your expression contort into absolute shock. You looked down at the objects, then back up at him, then the objects, then him. Blood rushed up to your face, now flushing red as your legs squirmed to quickly back away from the box's contents as fast as you could. "What the actual fuck, Inu?!", you screeched, Inu tilted his head.

"I believe you humans call them 'toys'—", he hummed, "which is strange, because toys are supposed to be for children. But these?", the long haired male waved a hand over the adult 'playing' devices, "—Are not for children. But we can use them!", he clasped his slim hands together, bringing them up to his cheek to come off as 'sweet'. You shook your head, picking up your agape jaw as you sat up, leaning closer toward the nanaue.

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