4. Therapy

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Nandini POV

"Who made the dinner?" I asked

"Aisha and Melissa," DJ said. I just nodded

The dinner went in silence. No one spoke making me happy. No offense but whenever they speak, they talk nonsense shit. Excluding DJ of course.

"Manik come to my room. I want to talk to you,"

"Anything urgent DJ? I am exhausted today. Let's call it a night."

"Nothing that can't wait. We'll talk tomorrow. You take rest." DJ patted his face with a smile.

I entered the room with a water bottle. I turned to see manik bolting the door with a grin on his face.

"Manik no using phone or laptop,"

"Okay no phone or laptop," I missed his evil grin as my back was facing his front.

"Good, Just go to sleep," I said, making our bed.

"I am not sleepy,"

I turned towards him, "You just told me you are tired and want to sleep," I frowned.

"I didn't talk about sleep. I just told you I am tired, and you are there now to remove my tiredness," he grimed.

"Manik, don't you dare. No touching today. You forgot your punishment." I reminded him.

"And you think I will follow it. So naïve of you," he walked towards me, with a smirk.

"The whole day I didn't touch you and you think I'll let the night pass, just like that," he smirked, moving forward

"Manik, I'll.. I'll complain to DJ about it," I moved towards the other side.

"You will complain and what will you tell DJ, that manik left me hanging in the morning because of you." he chuckled.

"Manik," I threw a pillow at him, hitting him on his face.

"This calls for a fight," he started hitting me with the pillow and I did the same. One of the pillows tore, making the feathers fly everywhere. We stopped, looked at it, and busted out laughing. Manik tore another pillow, purposely, and started throwing feathers everywhere. I did the same. God, it's so much fun to behave like a child sometimes. 

You forget everything and just enjoy the moment being in it

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You forget everything and just enjoy the moment being in it. I stopped for a moment looking at manik who was looking at me with an intense gaze making me shiver. I bit my lip, eyeing his before looking into his eyes. He leaned in for a kiss but I placed my hand, as a bearing between our lips.

"I promise just one kiss, Rose. I won't be able to sleep, otherwise." Neither me. I lowered my hands, letting our lips meet. He dragged me into his lap, intensifying the kiss. I gripped his hair, making him groan. I slid my tongue into his mouth exploring it. I took control and chewed, and nibbled his lips to satisfy my hunger for his luscious, skillful lips. 

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