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Nandini POV

"Morning flower,"


"Look at me," he turned me around, with his lips curved upwards, "Let me wish you properly," he gently grabbed my face, placing his lips on mine.

"Hmm," I moaned. 

It feels so good to have his lips first thing in the morning. Morning breaths were never our concern. I sucked his lips one last time before getting up.

"You must be famished, so here is your breakfast," he smiled, eyeing towards the breakfast. I looked at his side.

"Pancakes," I squealed in excitement.

"Brush your teeth first,"

"Later," I took a piece of pancake in my mouth, moaning at its taste.

"You make the world's best pancake," I put some more into my mouth. He wiped the side of my lips which had the syrup and sucked it, mouthing kid, while I stuck my tongue out at him. I noticed a shirt on my body.

"You made me wear it?" As I don't remember wearing it.

"Obviously, You think I will be sane in the morning after watching you like that." I laughed at his comment.

"You are so cute," I pulled his cheek.

"No, I am not,"

"Yes, you are," I shrugged. 

"After what I did to you last night, you still want to call me cute," he smirked, looking at me with dark, intense eyes making me gulp the pancake.

"I need to take a shower. Thanks for the breakfast," I quickly kept the plate on our bedside and stood up to go to the bathroom, but he held my hand

"I can help you take a shower." he raised his brow, playfully with a smile on his face.

"No thanks," I tried pulling my hand but in vain. I looked at him to let go.

"We can save water too," I nodded in no, pulling my hand back. He made a baby face like someone snatched his toy. 

I went towards the washroom and closed it but didn't bolt it. I bit my lips, blushing at my craziness. I hope he gets the cue. I walked into the shower area, switched it on, letting the cold water, drench my frame. 

I had my eyes closed when two hands, snaked my waist making me blush and excited at the same time. I bit my lip to hide my excitement about what was going to happen next before turning to look at him. His eyes captivated mine.

"You didn't bolt the washroom door," he asked while removing his shirt. He threw it in the corner of the washroom, scanning me from head to toe.

"I must have forgotten," I avoided looking at his abs as they always made me feel hot, and ran my fingers over them in the most sinful manner.

"Forgotten or intentionally you didn't bolt it," he grabbed my waist pressing his chest on mine.

"I- I was... I don't-," fuck I don't know what to say. If I'll tell him the truth he will tease me and torture me for pulling this stunt on him. I turned around with my back facing him. I looked up for the shower droplets to fall over my face to distract me from this 6-foot walking hot chocolate.

I could feel him standing close to me, behind me. He pushed my hair to my right, making my left neck skin naked to his eyes, "You are so fucking beautiful," he dived into my neck, placing open-mouth kisses and sucking the water on it. I closed my eyes as pleasure was taking over all my senses. I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning.

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