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Nandini POV

"I thought only you were coming DJ?" manik asked as we gathered at the dining table.

"I was, but then your dad and brother went out for some business work, Aisha wanted to see you, and we couldn't let Melissa live alone," DJ explained.

"Then you could have come later DJ instead of coming now,"

"This is how you talk to your DJ manik," his mom spoke.

"I am not talking to you so it will be better if you keep your mouth shut," manik snapped back.

"Manik-" I tried speaking,

"What? I don't want both of these ladies in my house. That's it," manik clenched his jaw while speaking.

"But she is your mom manik," DJ spoke

"Mother, ya right. Does she even know the meaning of it,"

"I did all that for you manik,"

"For me," he left a dry chuckle, "No mother does such things for her children. And don't put your sins on my head or justify it by saying it was for me," he spoke sternly. 

I held his thigh, rubbing circles on it to calm him down. He looked at me with angry filled eyes. I pled him with my eyes to calm down, simultaneously rubbing his tight. He exhaled a sigh before turning towards his plate to continue the breakfast.

"Come home Manik," DJ spoke after some time.

"This is my home, DJ," I could feel Manik's muscles tighten due to anger. I sat quietly, concentrating on my food, trying not to interfere and piss manik off.

"You know what I am talking about," DJ exclaimed.

"You know I don't like talking about it, I am happy staying away from my family," he spoke sternly yet in a dangerous voice.

"Let's not talk about family matters in front of outsiders. We have already spoken enough," Aisha looked at me in disgust. I frowned. What have I done to her?

"Nandini is not an outsider mom. She is my family more than you," he held my hand under the table. I held his tighter. Letting him know I am here, for him, with him.


"What? It's true Mom,"

"You know she has to come to our house before-"

"No chance," he yelled before getting up, making the chair fall backward, "Don't you dare involve her in your dirty family secrets. I won't tolerate it." he banged the table, and left.

"Excuse me," I looked at DJ before getting up. She nodded.

"Manik," I entered our room. He was lying on the bed with his eyes closed. I locked the door. Usually, we don't lock it but we have guests in our house. I sat on the bed next to him, caressing his hair to relax him, to release his stress. He didn't respond. I bent down and kissed his forehead, "I am here manik, you can talk to me whenever you want." I got up and turned to move, but he was quick enough to hold my hand, making me lie next to him. He shifted us on the bed, facing each other.

"Stay away from my family Rose," he told, " Don't get into their talks. They manipulate and trick people for their benefit. Just stick around me. Think twice before you speak anything in front of them and stay far, far away from Melissa,"

"I will," I caressed his cheek, "You just don't stress yourself so much, please. I don't like it." he looked into his eyes.

"I love you, Rose. Never leave me," He sucks my lips, softly without any pressure.

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