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"Yeonnie! How long will you take?! Your cab will be here in 20 minutes!", yelled my mom.

Said I, hurriedly trying to put all my belongings in my airport bag.

While I'm doing that, the sleep deprived author shall introduce me 🫦

As she scurries to put in her belongings, Han Juyeon barely had enough time to eat breakfast and then get to the cab on time.

"Finally, quick, I packed some strawberries for you to eat while at the airport , and here's some money, use it to buy snacks or anything you need, but please spend it wisely. After you land in Korea, make sure your cab takes you to your apartment that the scholorship bought for you-"

"Mom! I'll be fine! Please!"

"I wasn't done yet", she glared

"I know you wanted to stay in a dorm but me and your dad along with JYP have decided it's better for you to stay in an apartment, you'll have your own space and besides, we have the scholarship, why not put in good use? And remember, no talking to strangers unless they're your friends, and make sure not to eat too many snacks for heavens sake, you'll get sic-"


Finally, it's here, I looked at my mom and my dad who had just come downstairs to say goodbye as I go to Korea.

"Bye mom and dad, I love you!"
I said, giving them a big hug and kiss in the cheek.

"Bye darling"
My dad said lovingly.

"Bye yeonnie, stay safe"
Sniffled my mom

I scurried out of the home I grew up in and got into the taxi ( wOw WhAt InTeReStInG wRiTiNg, ToTaLlY nOt BoRiNg At AlL 🫦)

As I waved at my parents, I turned my head to glare at the author for STILL not introducing me, dumb bitch.


3rd PERSON POV:  (gotta love them POVs)
Han Juyeon, a Korean 13 year old trying to start her career early on as she is a trainee at JYP entertainment.

And you might ask, "the fucks a thirteen year old girl trying to upstart her career?" Idk man, ask JYP 🥰

She sighed after listening to the sad excuse of an introduction of herself and plugged in her headphones, clicking on the profile of the group she had loved for the past 5 years.

Blasted Han through her headphones, her bias, Han Jisung, her role model and the reason she applied to JYP.

The story of how she got into JYP was a funny story. But we'll get into that later, you'll see.

"Ma'am? We reached"


Well would you look at that, another sad excuse of a book :D

Hope you enjoyed it!


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