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Oh- uh, what did I walk into.

Earlier after I left asleep Mythila in the hospital, a torrent of questions and doubts flooded my mind, each one more insistent than the last.


What if?

No, that's pure idiocy, Avya, come on.

But what if? I mean, I can definitely entertain the doubt, right? Mythila's personal history remains shrouded in mystery, despite the hospital's reports.

Besides nowadays my luck was running wee bit in odd directions, strange coincidences wouldn't be entirely unexpected.

'Hridhay,' she had said.

As in Hridhaan Singhania!?

The mere thought sent a chill down my spine, freezing me in place with its implications.

But I couldn't let myself get swept away by wild speculation. I needed to be pragmatic, to weigh the evidence before drawing any conclusions.

So, don't blame me, when I thought maybe, just maybe, giving it the benefit of doubt, it was my responsibility to talk to someone.

Hridhaan was undoubtedly, out of the list, and Tara Singhania and Vrit didn't make the cut either.

Asking Muskan's mother or any member of the staff felt like a violation of privacy, a breach of trust that I couldn't justify.

So, I resolved to broach the topic with someone who would have the most insight and had shown civility towards me: Abhinav Singhania.

Despite my previous altercation with him, he was just defending his mother, never been disrespectful for no reason.

Regardless of my misgivings, at least he wasn't outright cruel, like his mother or son.

"Not a single word," Abhinav Singhania's voice cut through the tension, his gaze stern as he addressed a visibly furious Kriti.

And just like that, all my plans to speak with Abhinav Singhania were thrown out of the window.

I was not going to deal with another angry Singhania, no, thank you.

One was enough.

I couldn't help but notice the simmering rage in the room, emanating from every corner.

It was a familiar kind of anger, one that I had seen mirrored in Hridhaan's demeanor, albeit in a different form.

Now I know where he gets all the anger issues from.

Swallowing hard, I braced myself for what was to come, the tension palpable in the air.

Of all the times for this to happen, it had to be now, when I was on the verge of uncovering potentially life-altering truths.

If my suspicions were correct, it would change everything, and not necessarily for the better.

It took immense willpower to convince myself that it was worth the shot.

So here I was, standing in the dining hall I wasn't allowed in, swallowing my pride for Mythila's sake.

I mean, it's not like she's really a Singhania, right? I just want to get that cleared up, or I won't be able to sleep.

I like things as they were, Mythila being a Singhania was only going to make my life difficult.

Maybe it was just an illusion, but I don't want it to be shattered.

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