Chapter 3

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"What should I do? I want to help, but I can't possibly fight an evil sorcerer." Amai's mind was spinning as she walked, trying to come to a decision. She desperately wanted to help, but she just couldn't say yes right away. Taking in a deep breath, she calmed herself and looked out towards the lake. The water moved peacefully, the sounds soothing to her ears.

A whooshing from behind made her turn around. Eyes moving up, she saw a black mist hurdling in her direction. Nervous, she stepped back. The mist swirled as it touched the ground, causing a wind that Amai had to shield herself from.

When the wind died down, she lowered her arms and fixed her hair, looking at what the source of the mist was. In front of her stood a man around Keiichiro's age, staring back at her with interest. He was tall, long black hair falling loosely down to his knees. His skin was pale, nearly white, and he was dressed completely in black. Eyes of aqua like Ryou's, yet they were different. Cold and calculating, they made her shiver.

"Well, well. What have we here?" He spoke in a smooth tone. Looking over her from bottom to top, he chuckled. "My spy told me that the Mew Aqua was in the possession of a human. I wasn't expecting such an... adorable little thing like you."

Half-lidded eyes glowed when he said that, increasing Amai's fear. She knew at once this must be Deep Blue. Her first thought was to run, but knowing about his power, it would be pointless. Hopefully, someone would come and find her before anything could happen.

She gasped when he took a step forward. "Amai, that's your name, is it not?" No reply came out of her mouth. He just grinned. "Come, now. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want the Mew Aqua, if you please."

"I..." Amai swallowed. "I don't have it. I left it with..." She trailed off, too nervous to continue speaking. Deep Blue seemed to know what she was going to say. "Ryou. Of course, he has it. No matter, I have something else I'm suddenly interested in."

The way he was looking at her scared her. Amai couldn't figure out what was in his gaze, but it made every part of her body scream in alarm. She started to run away, but Deep Blue disappeared and reappeared in her path, blocking her attempt to evade him. Before she could react, he grabbed her wrist.

"Whoever created that prophecy was obviously a fool, thinking that a little human could stand any chance against me. But..." Grabbing her other wrist, he held her to him. Amai tried to struggle, yet his grip was too strong. "You could be worthy of something in this kingdom. Worthy of, perhaps... being mine?"

That made Amai still as a statue. Did she hear that right? Deep Blue wanted her for himself?!

"I..." Resistance kicking in an instant, she stomped on his foot and pushed him away. "Are you insane?! I would never be yours!"

Deep Blue groaned in pain for a moment, then clenched his jaw. "So, that's how you'll play this game? Very well, let me even the score."

Raising his hand, a crackle of dark blue light flickered from his fingertips. Amai felt her fear come back and clasped her hands over her heart. The evil Fae directed his hand towards her, and magic shot out and circled her. Amai felt her body change, legs becoming thinner and shorter, arms morphing into wings. The light faded, and where a young girl was, a white swan stood in her place.

"Oh!" Amai moaned in shock and despair, covering herself with her wings. Deep Blue laughed. "A creature of purity and innocence! How appropriate for you, don't you think, dear?" He petted her feathers, continuing to laugh.

"Hey!" Pudding's voice rang, and a foot kicked Deep Blue's face. The blonde girl ran before he could catch her. "Go, Amai!" Her words made Deep Blue turn and realize that Amai was flying away over the lake. Gliding a couple feet over the water, she picked up Ryou's voice. "Over here!"

Gracefully, she fluttered her wings and settled them to her sides, floating over to the side of the lake where Ryou, Keiichiro and the others were approaching. All their eyes were filled with pity at what had become of her.

"We came as quickly as we could." Ryou said. He lifted something in his hand. "This will protect you." Bending down, he placed a circlet on her head. The ring was pale gold, little diamonds on it and the Mew Aqua placed in the center. It sparkled on her snowy head.

"Ah." Everyone turned and saw Deep Blue standing a dozen feet away. "My brother, the king of nothing." Ryou ignored his comment, returning his attention to Amai. "He can't do anything else to you, as long as you wear the Mew Aqua."

"You really think you can keep me from my destiny, Ryou?" The tone of Deep Blue's voice was sharp, like it was cutting through glass. He didn't wait for a response. "This is my land. Just as it always should have been from the start. Now, why don't you save all of us a lot of trouble and hand over the jewel and the girl?"

Ryou flew to him. "Just to watch you destroy the rest of our home?" He placed his hands on his hips, face inches from his brother's. "Never."

"Suit yourself. But mark my words, I will have them both. One way or another." With that, he shot a glare at Ryou and turned into mist, flying away. Seconds after he left, the group turned back to Amai, who had waddled onto the grass.

"Are you alright, Amai?" Mint asked. "Yes, I'm fine, but..." She looked over herself. "What am I going to do? Can you turn be back, Ryou?"

All the king could do was sigh. "I wish that I could. My powers aren't strong enough to break the spell." He glanced up at the sun, which was slowly starting to go down. "However, I could try to lighten it so you can become human for a short period of time, from sunset to dawn." Amai's hope lifted. "Can you, please? I don't want to be a swan forever."

Ryou concentrated, closing his eyes and moving his hands in circular motions. A ray of magic surrounded Amai, then faded away. Over the hills, the sun settled into the sky, which slowly darkened without its source of light. Everyone watched, waited for something to happen.

And something did. The young swan's form shimmered, growing and transforming into a human's body once more. When she was able to see herself, Amai smiled in relief. "Elbows, fingers, hair, feet." She noticed her clothes were also different. Before she had a plain, grayish blue dress with the bust and sleeves white. Now, she wore a dress as white as her hair, a white sash tied in a bow on the back, and little gold sparkles along the top and hemline. On her head rested the circlet.

"Thank you, thank you!" she said while twirling. Ryou smiled before he spoke. "You realize, when the sun rises tomorrow morning..." Her face dropped. "I'll be a swan again. I can't leave like this." Her face became determined. "I have to break this spell and stop Deep Blue."

"That's the spirit." Ichigo said, her lips lifted upwards. Pudding came rushing up, tugging on Amai's skirt. "You can do this, I know you can!"

"Pudding, calm down." Zakuro took the girl's shoulders and guided her back a few paces to give Amai space. "Thank you, but I don't know how to do this. There's got to be some way to defeat Deep Blue, some sort of secret."

"And there is." Keiichiro assured her. "Written on a scroll. It can only be read by the Mew Aqua's power."

Amai asked; "Where would I find it?" Keiichiro looked at the company. "Who will take Amai to the Whispering Willow?" Everyone raised their hands, making Keiichiro and Amai laugh. "Ichigo, would you please?" The girl squealed, clapping her hands in delight.

"Of course, come on!"

She took Amai's hand and pulled her away. Waving goodbye at the Fae group, Amai let Ichigo drag her away, hopefully to where they could find the key to victory. 

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