Chapter 9

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That's all Amai was capable of doing in the current moment. Just cry. When she woke up, she instantly recalled all the previous events that occurred, and to add to her despair the Mew Aqua had lost its magic, thus all hope gone for the Mew Realm. She'd failed her friends, and she'd been ripped from her prince by her wicked unwanted suitor.

The room she was in, while it was large and lavish, was nothing but a beautiful cage with her as its precious prize. She hadn't seen Deep Blue yet, but knew he'd arrive sooner rather than later.

"Oh, my darling swan." Speak of the devil himself as he entered her room. Turning her head to shield away her face, she heard him tsk before he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. "Cry all you like, but at some point you'll forget about Kisshu." He sat down on the bed next to her. "I can wait for when you submit to me, Amai."

Her eyes closed. Deep Blue chuckled, then his eyes glimmered. "Or perhaps you simply need a push in that direction."

His hands grasped Amai's shoulders and shoved her onto her back, his body leaning over with his black hair curtaining her. A startled gasp barley left her lips before they were seized by Deep Blue's own. The kiss was rough and desperate, the force of his lips on her certainly going to cause bruising. Trying to push away was futile, as he had much more strength than she did, and the pressure from him being on top of her was making it hard to breathe.

"S-stop!" She pleaded when she could, but the word fell on deaf ears. Cold hands cradled her face, thumbs digging into her neck the deeper he kissed her. After a multitude of minutes, her mouth was freed, yet he wasn't finished as he trailed down the side of her throat tasting her skin. His mouth opened, teeth grazing the base of her neck to bite down and suck...

He stopped.

Pulling himself up from the shivering girl beneath him, he turned his head to the side as he sensed something close to his castle. A sarcastic laugh left his lips. "Well, well. What a surprise."

Amai opened her mouth to question his meaning, but he placed a finger to shush her. "I'm afraid we'll have to save this for later, my love. Right now I have some vermin to take care of." Giving her forehead a kiss, he got off of her and walked out of the room, locking the door behind him.

Thinking of what he meant by "vermin", Amai's heart fluttered rapidly when realization came to her. "Kisshu, everyone." They came for her, they must have. In a flash she jumped off the bed and ran to the window with hopes of seeing them somewhere out there. Craning her neck to the right, her eyes were just barely able to see the outline of a group of figures in the far distance.

Hope suddenly burned in her, hope she prayed wouldn't be crushed.


The palace loomed over the company from their spot, a chill rushing through their bones.

"It scares me to be here." Pudding whimpered, partially hiding behind Retasu, the greenette also shy in fear. Kisshu looked worriedly at Ryou. "Is Amai..." "Physically alright. But I fear the longer she's kept in there, the more her hope will fade."

"So, what are we going to do?" Ichigo asked. Looking around, thought crossed Kisshu's face. "Deep Blue flies about everywhere he goes. He may be keeping Amai somewhere near the top." He turned to the Fae king. "Can you get me up there?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Interrupted Mint. "So, are we just supposed to stay here and watch?" "No. I'm going to need all your help." They got closer together to hear the prince's plan, then sprang into action.

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