Chapter 4

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Moonlight shone on the two girls as they got closer to their destination. Crickets chirped, the breeze passed lightly, brushing the leaves against each other.

"So, what exactly is the Whispering Willow?" Amai questioned, wondering about where the scroll was supposed to be. "It's a huge willow tree that's been around forever. I've only been there a few times, but it's amazing. It literally whispers things, like little songs or random sounds, hence why it's called the Whispering Willow."


In a few minutes, Ichigo stopped, Amai following her action. The redhead pointed outward. "There." Her finger directed to in between two trees. Through those trees was a small clearing, the Whispering Willow standing in its center. It was gorgeous with long, falling branches that housed leaves of gold and silver. Amai could hear faint voices from it, no actual words, but the sound of the whispers were relaxing to listen to. She closed her eyes, enjoying the tranquil peace.

"I told you it was amazing." Ichigo said when she noticed her companion's soothed expression. Her eyes trailed to the circlet. "Amai."

Opening her eyes, Amai felt a warmth coming from the Mew Aqua. It pulsed. She turned very slowly, the pulse growing when she faced the right of the tree. Letting the gem guide her, she walked over and soon paused in front of a stone by the base of the willow. Squinting, she noticed something carved on it. Kneeling and brushing off some leaves, she saw the outline of a scroll. The carving then glowed, and a secret compartment opened in the stone. In that compartment lay what the girls had come for.

"Ichigo, I've got it!" Standing back up, she showed Ichigo the scroll, which made the other girl jump in happiness. "Yay! Let's get back to the others!" Linking arms they left the clearing, eager to unravel the secret to defeating Deep Blue.


"Well done, girls." Ryou praised when they returned to the group. Everyone gathered around to read what was on the scroll. Amai lifted it, and when she did, the Mew Aqua sparkled, creating words on the paper. She began to read.

"The one who possesses the Mew Aqua, when received a vow of love so pure and true, will overcome all evil magic."

Pudding awed. "That's so romantic! So, who do you love, Amai?" The girl in question frowned. "No one, Pudding. I've never been in love before."

"Really?" Mint asked. "A beautiful girl like you, you must've been at some point."

"Well..." Staring off to the side, Amai's cheeks turned a light shade of red. "I did meet someone, a few years ago when I was younger. But I haven't seen him in a long time." Excitement filled everyone's bodies. "Who, who?!"

Amai sat down on the grass. "I didn't know his name. We met one summer day in the forest, just a little ways from the village."


Amai was sitting down by the bank of a small pond, gazing thoughtfully into the water. It was well past nightfall, but she liked to come out here to enjoy the peace sometimes, especially after a day of being under the butler's thumb. So absorbed in her own reflection, she failed to hear the quiet footsteps behind her.


Startled, she turned around and saw a boy a few feet behind her. He was a year or two older than her with a cape and hood, hiding half of his face in the darkness. She stood up in alarm which he responded to with both his hands up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He spoke tenderly and honestly so as not to frighten her further.

After a few seconds she deemed him harmless and relaxed a little. "No, it's alright. I just wasn't expecting anyone else to be out here this late." He chuckled. "Yeah, me too." A short silence followed, neither person knowing what to say next.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?" Amai asked, wondering who this boy was. He shrugged. "I guess just a boy escaping for some peace and personal time, since that's what I hardly get during the day."

"Same with me." Amai told him. He stepped forwards with interest. "Really?" She nodded. "Yes. I don't mind my life, but sometimes I just need to get away for a while..."

"And do nothing but dream." Both voices said in unison. They stared at each other and gasped at how similar they were. Sitting back down, Amai patted the spot next to her. "Here, you can stay with me if you want." He gladly did. It was then that he took off his hood.

Amai was speechless for a minute because of his face. She'd never seen anyone so handsome in her life. His skin was slightly paler than hers, a boyish face framed by hair as green as the forest. His eyes were what really drew her in, two orbs of honey gold. She was captivated by them.

"What's your name?" Snapping out of her trance, she stuttered to answer his question. "It-it's Amai." A smiled touched his lips. "Amai. I like it."

Her cheeks turned pink. The pair spent the remainder of the night talking, enjoying each other's company. Amai liked having this boy with her. She had so much in common with him and he acted like he'd been her friend for years, which made her feel happy. When the sky began to lighten as dawn approached, they had to say their goodbyes, but they promised to see each other again someday.


Smiling dreamily as she finished her tale, Amai placed her hands over her fluttering heart, the cause of which being the boy she spoke of so fondly. She did not ever get his name the few other times they met, but the mystery made her like him more.

Ichigo giggled behind her hand. "That's so cute, Amai. Secret meetings, a mystery boy," she sighed. "it's all like a romance story." Amai sighed. "I guess so."

"So, why haven't you seen him in a while?" Retasu asked as Amai folded her hands in her lap. "I don't know. From his clothes, I assumed he was part a noble family or something like that. The only reason I can think of regarding that is he moved away."

She stared up at the moon, which was a light shade of gold tonight, close to the color of his eyes. "I just hope he hasn't forgotten about me."

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